"Yeah I do thanks Ethan I feel batter now."

"Anytime Rocky well we are here."

"Can I go down myself."

"Why don't you want me to go down with you." I am kind of hurt that she doesn't want me to come down with her.

"Ethan people know that you are here and they are going to ask you why are you here you can't say that you are here to wait for me because then they will say something to Grayson and I know Grayson does not no one to know me I am foster by you I do want you to come in but at the same time you do have to respect Grayson wishes as well he is your brother and my foster uncle."

Dam she does make a good point but I wish that Grayson want her as he niece but I know he is getting use to the idea of his client being his niece.

"Ethan are you still there are you ok?"

"Yeah Rocky I am here I am ok just kind of sad."

"I am sorry tattoo guy I did not want to hurt your feelings."

"I know you didn't mean it but I just wish that Grayson wasn't like this."

"Sometime we can't change what people want to do or don't want Ethan."

"Yeah you are right now go."

"But I don't want to Ethan."

"Now Rock."

"Ahg fine."

"Good I will see you when you are done and don't gave Grayson a hard time got it."

"What I can't hear you bye Ethan have fun at work." I did hear him but I am trying to do it but not too much.

"See you." Ah I love that little girl with all of my heart I just wish that she would just want to be with me and Grayson and she will call me her dad but I get it I have to wait that all it take to wait I hope, as I saw her walk off I went to work let hope she will ok when I pick her up I hope she will be.

"Hi I am here to see Mr Dolan."

Lady at the desk:
"I will let him know that you are here you can go wait in the waiting room."

"Ok thank you."

Nurse Live:
"Hey Rocky I need you to come with me."

"What why?"

Nurse Live:
"Mr Dolan ask me to check on your weight."

"Umm ok." We went to the check up room that the have here I got off my shoes and went on the scale you can tell that I really don't want to do this but I have to.

Nurse Live:
"Ok all done you can step down now."


Nurse Live:
"Put on your shoes then you can go back to the waiting room he should be done in a bit."

"Ok thank you." That was so wired why does he need to know my weight I thought that they do that ever year not ever 2 week oh I don't know.

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