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Roy and Liam:
"See you Mrs have a good night."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Oh I did boys you guys made me very happy."

Roy and Liam:
"Well thank you bye Mrs."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"See you guy." Then I went home have fun and I am happy that the boys had fun I should make them and the kids do this to her more often hope you guys don't have good time reading the rest of this b story I hope you all don't like it because I don't but I am path of it so yeah.

Now it is my point of view when they come to the playroom

Oh no it is Roy and Liam they are going to do something I just know it I know why they are doing this it is because of Mrs Jake Rayman she was watching them this is going to be fun but I know that it is not."

"Well little girl are you ready to have some fun."

"Let me answer that for you no you are not now let the fun being."

"You know what guys maybe you guys can not do this maybe I have my own fun."

"Yeah that is not going to work."

I try to run away but that did not work.

"Liam get the rode she is trying to run away."

He was holding me down he in till Liam came with the rope and a chair they got me on the chair and tried me up.

"Well, well look what we have here you are trying to run away well I guess that is not happening and you know that right."

They got a rope and keep on hitting everywhere that they left rode burns.

"Do you not get it don't ever run away form us again do you got it the next time you do that you will pay now come with me."

He untied me from the chair grab me by the hair once we got by the stairs and push me downstairs once I came down the stairs he kick me in the stomach and I cough out blood and my blood are on his shoes oh no."

"You did not just coughed blood on his shoes."

"Umm no I didn't do that."

"Are you lying to us right now oh you better not be lying to us right now."

"I am not lying right now."

"Oh I think you are brother I think I know what to do."

"Then do it I want you to have your fun too so just do whatever you want."

"Yay thanks for letting me do this brother."

"Anytime but do it quick I am so tired."

"Yeah I know and I am tried as well."

Liam came to me got off my clothes he took me outside got the latter and put me on the poll of the flag poll he keep on hitting me in till I could not take it anymore then he got me down and put on my clothes on for me.

"So Roy do you think that we are done now."

"I think we need to do one more thing."

"Like what."

"Oh I think you know what."

"Then let go."

He took my arm and break it that I can't move it but I know that I am going to move it because they will not take me to the doctors I know everyone here once we got to the kitchen they got 2 knife and a folks they put my pants down and cut some places of my leg then they got the folks and out in my knee that I almost cry but I stop myself then they took it out.

"Well done you are done now go back to what you were doing make sure Mrs do not see you like this got it."

Do I talk back yes I should I should not be scared of anyone and I am not so yes I am going to talk back. "Yeah whatever I got it can I leave now or are you guys are going to do something else."

"No we are done you can go now."

"Ok then thanks guys for doing this to me I really did like it."

Liam and Roy:
"Anytime bye make sure you will not tell anyone."

"Don't worry I will not and plus who am I going to tell."

"Yeah that is so true see you."


"See you guys bye."

Roy and Liam:

After they left I went back to the playroom Mrs think that I was scared but I was not after she left I clean up the centre then I went back to my room which is not a room it is a cell you know like a jail cell but I do not care as long as I am sleeping here then I am good see you all in the morning if I do wake up in the morning which I know that I have to because I have to make breakfast.

The next day later Tuesday morning

Beep beep beep

I got up had a shower and got dressed open the door walk to the kitchen to make food once I was done making food I clean the table then put the food on the table went upstairs to use the microphone to say. "Everyone time to get up breakfast is ready and you must eat it so get up." Once that was done I went back to the kitchen to get the milk ready for the babies once that i was done I went to their room change then feed them and burp them in till they fall asleep. "Goodnight babies hope you have a good sleep that I know you will maybe when you wake up we can go for a walk to the park if anything bad happened today which we all know that something bad is going to happened today but like what." All the babies saying saying that they don't know either. "Aww you guys are all so cute you guys don't know what it is either yeah me too."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Open the door right now you b."

"I am up."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Don't talk back to me."

"I am not."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Yes you are now get up."


Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Once you are done go down and look after that baby but remember do not love her for it."

"Yeah yeah I got it."

Mrs Jake Rayman:

Once she left I got dress and went to the babies room dam they are all so cute like you have no idea.

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