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Mariah Miller

The cold air blew against my bare legs with each step I took. I hated the cold and tonight only kept me with a frown on my face. I knew the movies weren't worth getting sick over but I couldn't let Destiny down again.

I've promised her twice that we'd have a girl's night out but my mom was afraid to let me leave the house at night, I guess you could say tonight I was being a little bold and finally decided to sneak out. I mean I was turning 17 next month, so what was the worst she could do to me?

"Riah, I'm over here!" I turned to see Destiny at the entrance of the movie theatre, popcorn was already in her hands and her boyfriend Jessie was next to her. I was always jealous of those two, not of them but of what they had. They were close and in an ideal relationship, they'd spend holidays together and do the normal things couples do and that's what I wanted so bad, So so bad.

"Hey guys" I pulled my skirt down forcing it not to lift up from the wind. "I'm surprised you actually came this time Riah" I chuckled, even though what she said only reminded me of both the times I stood her up from not having the willpower enough to sneak out. I wasn't normally like this and I knew tonight was the only time I could probably get away with sneaking out.

Jessie wrapped his arm around her waist and I was left to follow behind them. I turned to the snack bar and right when I figured out what I wanted to get, is when I realized I had left my money at home. "You buying snacks Riah?" I stopped in my tracks. As scared as I was to sneak out, I practically rushed out of the house now realizing I only remembered to bring my phone with me. I guess I wasn't having snacks tonight.

"I-I forgot my money at home" I hated people to pity for me, and that's the energy I knew I was giving off. "It's okay, we'll share ours with you" Jessie gave me a dirty look. He hated me. He's never greeted me and only spoke to me when he had to, and most of the time he gave me an annoyed tone of voice. Yeah, he hated me.

"Dude you're gonna get us kicked out!" A group of guys ran past us jumping as high as they could trying to touch a sign hanging from the ceiling ceiling. They honestly would get themselves kicked out and you could just tell how careless they were. There was one who wasn't paying the ones who were acting crazy any mind and was just looking down at his phone.

Him and his whole 'friend group' I guess you could say, had a unique style to them. Black hair, black clothes, and piercings. I think the correct term for them was 'emo'. "Um Riah, are you coming?" I snapped back into reality and sighed following them through the door to our seats.


"Babe stop we're in public" Why do I always have to be the third wheel? "Okay but I don't care, I love you" Jessie grabbed Destinys jaw and repeatedly pecked her lips. I mentally rolled my eyes, I just wanted this movie to be over with so I could go home and my nerves could stop working. I was terrified my mom would call me, and this walk back home would be freezing me to death.

"Shut the fuck up dumbass" Before I could turn my head to see who was so loud, the boys from earlier were walking in. "I'm not gonna shut the fuck up until you give me back my dollar" They all went into the row we were in trying to look for their reserved seat numbers. I just hoped one of those obnoxious boys didn't sit next to me.  

But of course, the universe didn't let anything go my way, and they all lined up in our row, leaving one spot right next to me open. By now Destiny was on Jessie's lap and they were basically sucking each other's mouths off. I was so ready to go at this point, and the movie barely started.

"Wheres Zachariah?" One of them practically yelled. God don't say there's another one. "Outside smoking, I swear he doesn't even want to fucking be here. I'll be surprised if he actually comes back in" I decided to tune out as their conversation became more unappealing to me.

I tried to focus on the movie but how was I supposed to do that when to my right there were a group of guys who couldn't shut up, and to my left was my best friend basically getting ready to have sex with her boyfriend? Yeah, I needed a bathroom break. I stood up and grabbed my phone. "I'll be back, just going to the bathroom" I doubt she heard me but at least I said something.

I debated on going back in, I felt like I wasted my time coming here. They paid for my ticket and it would be rude to waste their money, that was the only reason I'd stay. I checked my phone and still nothing from my mom. I wonder how long until she'll notice I'm gone, even though I badly don't want her to.

I was tired of the popcorn smell and just decided to take a breather at one of the benches outside. I pushed the heavy door open, and right when the cold air hit my legs, I noticed there was only one bench. It was occupied by the guy from earlier.

There was space next to him but I'd hate for him to see me so desperate for a seat, so I just sat on the concrete by some bush and pulled out my phone texting Destiny that there was a line at the bathroom. I knew she wouldn't read it but it was best to let her know.

"Get off the concrete pretty, it's cold down there" My eyes widened and snapped towards the boy who was talking to me. Boys never talk to me, so why was he?  "Sit next to me, I won't hurt you." I hesitantly and slowly sat up. He patted the cold bench next to him and my bare thighs pressed against the cold metal bench. I didn't understand why I was trusting to sit next to him.

I guess I thought It would be rude if I told him no.

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