Forty Thousand Feet ✔️

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As I wait for my flight to board, I fidget in this hard "leather" chair, swiping 'right' to match with another in a long stream of beautiful men, knowing I will never actually chat with them. I've been at gate 76 in LAX for forty-three minutes, but it feels... eternal. 

The stench of the man next to me, the horrid music blaring from the headphones of the smelly man's daughter, the woman on her phone speaking rather enthusiastically... and to top it all off, the now watered down, iced americano dripping onto my thigh... I am an anxious and miserable mess. 

To be fair, the past few days have left me on edge and ready to crawl from my own skin. 'JUST GET ME ON THAT FUCKING PLANE!' I scream internally. Finally, they start announcing boarding and I clutch my ticket, my C-19 test, my vaccine card and passport in my hand, knowing I had just checked it four times in the last five minutes, yet I do it one last time before I step into line for First Class. 

My first and most likely only time I will fly it, but it was the only seat left as I bought the ticket less than an hour and a half prior.

The attendant is kind and welcoming as she checks all of my paperwork and allows me onto the flight. I am taken to my seat; I get my electronic bag and black octopus squishy, then they are kind enough to stow my bag for me. 

I seem to melt into this plush seat, noting the plasma screen, the snacks, the blanket and pillow. There are so many other amenities I am not accustomed to, as I have never crossed an ocean- much less in this much style. I get my laptop and chargers out, along with my headphones and a book; it is going to be a long almost thirteen-hour flight. 

I am settling into my seat and fastening my seatbelt when the intercom dings and a woman's voice is speaking softly "Please, turn your attention to the screen in front of you as we brief you on our safety policies and procedures for this aircraft..." 

I listen closely as this is my first time on a flight like this, but it turns out to be information I already know. I slip my headphones on and get them connected but just before the music begins, I hear the woman on the intercom again. 

"Thank you for flying with us today, we will be arriving at Incheon International Airport in twelve hours and fifty-three minutes, so sit back, relax and we will be coming by soon with drinks and snacks."

I start my playlist and lean back, figuring I will have to wait for drinks when a man appears and taps me on the shoulder, he whispers, "What drink will you be having today? And how about some food?" He hands me a menu and I look it over, noticing there are no prices, so I ask, "How much for a tequila soda and some cheese and crackers?" 

He just chuckles sweetly, "No charge. So, a tequila soda, and a cheese board, anything else you may need, sweetie?" His tone is so genuinely kind. "Oh, no, thank you very much." I smile up to him, feeling odd for not paying for my stuff. 

He seems to hustle back with two mini bottles of top shelf tequila and a small pitcher of soda water. He then sets down an already made cocktail with beautiful lime and salt garnish. Then he sets down the small platter of cheese, crackers, nuts and chocolates. 

"Thank you, very much." I say softly feeling choked up at someone being so needlessly kind to me, even if it is just his job. I sit back and sip my cocktail and munch on my snacks as I think back on all that has happened the past few months. Horrible things that led up to buying this first-class ticket to Seoul when I entered the airport earlier today...

As the rumble of the plane lulls me back into June of this year; just three short months ago, I remember rolling around in bed with the man I thought I would spend eternity with. At only twenty-four years old, that is impressive, but I should have known better. 

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