Like a g6 like a g6 got me feeling so fly like a g6

Start from the beginning

no I'm so fucking done with my mom too. She always puts us into these fucking positions

Just says yes yes yes to everything and makes our dad come get us cause she doesn't fucking want to

And then he's pissed at us and he's more fucking violent and mean and shit when he's mad we all fucking know this I'm so fucking done

I saw this post about how pets gravitate to the person who shows them the least love. I think that's the same with people especially kids with their parents

No matter how much i can't stand my dad I always talk to him all the time, he's the one I want to tell things to the one I want to tell about my day even tho he's so fucking mean to me when I do. He always cuts me off and makes a big deal about how I'm taking to him and wasting his time and it ruins my day but I still do it and idk why. I don't want his approval and love, I want to stop fucking having to fight for it like this. I shouldn't have to. This should be a given because he's my fucking dad but it isn't

I relate to all these songs about messed up family shit but then I'll feel so bad about myself for relating to them. Cause they'll show me kindness and love and basic human decency once and then I think it's all better. I think that I shouldn't take it so far, I shouldn't leave them some day cause sometimes they can be good and it's not worth letting go of the good parts

But the bad parts are too much. It outweighs the good by too much, I can't live like this forever. I deserve to be happy all the time, I deserve a family who won't make me feel like this ever.

I deserve something good, I deserve people who won't get off on aggravating me and being mean to me and the people I care about. God it's like they like seeing me upset, like they do this shit on purpose

People shouldn't do this to each other, not on purpose, not on accident, not ever

I'm getting out of here with people I know love me, who choose me and who wouldn't do anything to hurt me

I'm going to go to college and I'm going to be what I want, I'm going to go to one far away but still in my state cause I'm a poor bitch

I'm going to go to it with my two best friend and we're going to live together. We're going to be broke and sad but not because of each other. We are going to work to heal and get closure on what we've been through. I'll become the person I want to be, and I'll never be like my family.

I'm going to be okay, I am going to be okay I am going to be ok I am going to be ok

I don't need anyone to tell me that. I am enough. I am enough for myself, that's all I need. I am capable and ready, I can take care of myself. I can power through.

I'm never going to let my kid hurt the ways I was hurt

God idk if I even want kids, I could be horrible. And I don't want to go into it like how people in shows do. Their friends give those speeches about how no one's ready and no parent is perfect

I'm sick of that crap. If you aren't ready don't have kids. If you don't think you'll be a good parent don't have kids. This could lead to our extinction but I think that's alright. I don't want us on this planet anymore, we ruin fucking everything

And our kids deserve happiness, they don't deserve half assed shit that we're trying to figure out as we go. I'm done with this bullshit. If we can't raise our kids correctly we should all go extinct, we aren't worth it. I'm being completely serious I'm so done I want the universe to start over or something

Maybe the planet should just be the normal animals, no humans. They would all be a lot happier

Anyway, what you came here for

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