Stop killing us

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Am I a shit poster ? Do I fall under that category ?

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Am I a shit poster ? Do I fall under that category ?

Am I a shit poster ? Do I fall under that category ?

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I'm so stressed about my exams fuck

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I'm so stressed about my exams fuck

This is the only thing keeping me from ending it all so I don't have to finish my exams, end the year with my gpa hanging by a thread, and go through a crappy summer with an achey feeling in my chest from doing so crappy this year


So true

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So true

Also I need help with my hair, I have like wavy hair and I've always known that yk

It's always been hard to deal with and it's been frizzy and bushy

I've recently realized it's because it's like curly kinda, not super but I think it's enough to where I shouldn't be treating it like straight hair yk

I've always treated my hair like it was straight and it's always been super hard to deal with

So give advice on how to take care of it and if you have suggestions for produce that would be great :))

So give advice on how to take care of it and if you have suggestions for produce that would be great :))

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Holy shit

Omg that was 11:11 too lmao

What do you think that means for me ??

I didn't even know the met gala was happening, like didn't it just happen with friggin Addison Rae and the theme was america right ?

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I didn't even know the met gala was happening, like didn't it just happen with friggin Addison Rae and the theme was america right ?

I swear that shit just happened wtf



Fuck us ig

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Fuck us ig

This county, fuck this whole fucking world just hates us

They all just hate women

They're trying to fucking kill us

Banning abortions doesn't save lives

It kills more women from having unsafe at home abortions

Abortions will still happen wether it's legal or not, if they will be preformed by medical professionals or not

This is what we mean when we say abortions save lives

Stop fucking killing us

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