Literally fuck my family 💃

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My dad just called me and yelled at me for giving my neice a popsicle and not watching her. He made me come out to the living room and clean it up and he yelled at me.

Then I had to take the popsicle away from my niece but she's little and didn't know yk

And she was crying and she's going through this thing with hitting, she also mainly likes hitting me for some reason

And then my mom came out and was trying to figure out what was going on and my dad told her and was being mean and rude yk

And then I told him that when I gave her the popsicle I said for him to watch her and help her eat it. I said he didn't tell me he wasn't going to so I walked away and thought he'd watch her

He didn't reply after that and I think it's cause he knew I was right

He does that all the time and he thinks he's always right and gets so irrational about everything

But then he's not right and when you prove him wrong he just gets quiet, he'll never own up to his wrongs and he'll never say sorry. Like is it that hard to just apologize to people? You learn that when your a kid man

I've made that argument with him before when we've disagreed. That you learn when your a kid to just be nice to people, not try to start arguments and not call people names

Like he wouldn't go around calling anyone else names but he can talk to his kids and the mother of his kids that way? Why? Like does he think he owns us or something ??

Same thing with slurs, he thinks that it's stupid people can't say those words and says them in our house. But he only says the words when he's saying it's stupid to not be able to say them. So like, when else would you want to say them ?? Like is it really that big a deal if you won't even use them??

And like I told him would he have to guts to say the n word to a black person. Make that same argument to a black person or one of his black friends? No, he can only say shit when around people who he can't offend with the words

He's a fucking coward and he picks on people smaller than him. Like he only starts shit with my mom and children

He makes mysoginistic jokes, he's done that my whole life and I've never once found it funny. He thinks it's ok to say those things cause it's a joke but it's not ok

It's normalizing that behavior and saying the things he's saying. It's also not ok to do those things when he's got three daughters, four if you count my half sister.

He also thinks he's so much better than my sisters dad, that he raised my sister and did this and that

But in reality he's no better than him. He talks shit about him to me all the time and like the guy died a few years ago. Don't talk shit about dead people, especially the father of the girl you consider a daughter.

He's also so concerned with not being compared to him in any way. My niece won't call him grandpa like she won't say the word. But we got her to say his actual name and he hates it

And my sister was saying it's alright, she called her dad by his name for years before she finally called him dad

And I could see how annoyed he was getting

And he was like "it's cause you didn't live with him" and my sister said she only started calling him dad after they stopped living together

She was little and kids do stuff like that and there's nothing wrong with it. But he thinks he's all high and mighty.

And he has the audacity to talk shit about him

I know he wasn't perfect but he was a person and he meant something to my mom and my sister. My mom married him yk, it broke her heart having to get a divorce. He wasn't always bad for them, they were a family and they had a really good life. My mom was able to be a stay at home mom when they were together. He just got into some bad stuff and yk that's life. Shit like that happens and it's something we all just have to deal with in the ways we can.

My two oldest siblings got into drugs and all that shit and yk that's fucking life. It sucked obviously and I missed out on so many years with them because of it but it happened. It's done now and they got better. But that part of their history doesn't make them less than, their great fucking people and he wouldn't say the things he says about them.

I've been taking my niece to the park a lot recently. I when to watch her everyday while my sis is at work. Today my sister was off and wanted to take her to the park and asked me if I wanted to come with her.

I went with them and I thought it would be fun like it usually was but it was not. My sister made it a horrible day for both my niece and I.

My niece was just trying to play and have fun and stuff and I was trying to play with her and interact with her. I wanted to show her active interest cause that's good for kids. I also remember the feeling when I was younger when my parents would ignore me and not play with me

But my sis was all like "this is a nice age cause she can just play on her own and you don't really have to watch her"

Like what ?? My niece was standing up on the jungle gym begging my sis to come up with her and play and go down the slide and stuff. She wants people to pay attention to her and to play with her. All kids do, and like why take her to the park if you wolf play with her. When you were a kid was it more fun to play by yourself at the park or with someone?? Just because they CAN entertain themselves doesn't mean they should or have to.

Also we were there for like five mi utes when my sis dragged my nice away to the lake to take pictures of her. My niece was having none of it and wasn't cooperating at all. She just wanted to play and my sis was taking forever cause she wanted to have pics to post

And once we were back at the jungle gym my sis wanted to go home. Like my niece barely got to play and she got out in a bad fucking mood after the stupid photo shoot. And I said earlier my niece is going through a hitting phase especially with me. So she was taking all her emotion out on me and stretched me all up. That ruined my whole fucking mood for today too

I tried to stall my sis a bit cause my niece still wanted to play. But my sis just sat on the bench editing the dumb photos and not paying attention to my niece at all. Like it's not hard to play with her

Like I find it so fun to be able to act like a kid and have an excuse for it yk. Like I love kids and I love all the kid games and stuff

But my sis is a teen mom, she's gen z but acts like a millennial. She spent her whole life acting older than she was and just wanting to grow up fast. I know she loves my niece but that doesn't mean there aren't things she's lacking in

She is horrible at giving my nice attention and playing with her and idk

It was just really pissing me off today

Again, thanks if you actually read this :)

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