➳ 19: the hybrid

Start from the beginning

Stefan flattened his lips into a firm line before standing to his feet. "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die."

"Doesn't take much, just a sip. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?" Klaus questioned them then managed to smell out the human hiding amongst them and pointed him out. "You!" He sped over to the man, sinking his fangs into his forearm.

Stefan grabbed the human and threw him down on the ground in front of Ray. "No!" The woman protested but Klaus wrapped his arm around her throat, strangling and holding her in place.

"If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop." Stefan breathlessly confessed his deepest sin as he held the human down.

"It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die." Klaus informed the werewolf fighting against his grip.

"I'd rather die than be a vampire." She snarled furiously through gritted teeth.

"Wrong choice." Klaus scolded then bit into his wrist and force-fed her his blood until she fell forward in exhaustion. He chuckled quietly while petting her hair. "She'll thank me for that later." He said to no one in particular before snapping her neck and carelessly tossing her body to the ground. "Okay, who's next?" He questioned the rest of the pack, flashing them his golden eyes and protruded fangs.

Valentina raised her chin but didn't otherwise react in any way. She had to admit, his new hybrid face was attractive. It sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her heart skipping a beat.

Klaus did the same to each of the wolves as he had Ray then looked around at their dead bodies with a pleased smirk. He walked over to give the human his blood and compelled him. "There. Good as new. Now you relax, okay, mate? We're gonna need you when the rest of them wake up."

Ray, having given in to the transition, sat on a rock nearby, grabbed his body, and trembled with tears. "They're dead. They're all dead."

Valentina walked around the camp, studying each of the bodies lying along the dirt floor. "Seems that way doesn't it?"

"Ah, he's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." Klaus tilted his head to the side when looking over at Ray.

"So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan questioned snarkily and leaned up against a nearby tree.

Klaus seemed offended by that accusation. "No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades."

"For what war, might I ask?" Stefan inquired curiously.

"Oh, you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick a fight." Klaus proclaimed, avoiding the question as much as possible.

Stefan smirked condescendingly at him with a small shrug of his shoulder. "What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?"

"Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder." Klaus replied, giving him an amused smirk.

Stefan looked down at his shoes and laughed humorlessly. "That's why you're, uh... you're keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?"

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