Chapter Two: Hello There, Dear Future

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We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sisters

"Louis! Breakfast!"

The boy groans and flips on his stomach, grabbing the pillow and covering the back of his head with it, particularly his ears.


Louis furrows his eyebrows in annoyance and mutters grumpily into his mattress with a groggy voice and a half-awaken mind.  "Fuck. Off."

He hears heavy steps creaking into the wood floor just outside his bedroom before he hears them slow down and halt, his door bursting open a moment later and a heavy body jumping on top of his, kneeing him in the dip of his back. Louis' face contorted in pain.

"Louis! Louis! Louis! Wake up! Today's your first day!" Her chirpy voice was crying right into his ear and, fuck, it's too fucking early for this.

"Ow fuck, Lottie, buger off." He rolled around and his pillow fell off his face, unveiling his exhausted and puffed eyes as he curled his arm around Lottie's torso, leisurely pushing her off his bed and hearing a small screech before an awaited thump.

There's a small moment of silence where Louis begins to think Lottie might've scurried out of his room without him noticing, but of course not.


Oh for fucks sake.

"Louis pushed me off the bed!"

"Ugh Lottie, get out of my room!" He sat up and yelled, glaring down at Lottie who was sitting criss cross on the floor, smirking up at him.

Not a moment later Jay walked into the room with an annoyed look.

"Guys, what's going on? Louis dear, why would you push your sister off the bed?" she looked disgruntled, shoving her used spatula at him in a disapproving manner.

Louis fish mouthed, eyes wide. "But Mum Lottie came into my room and kneed me in the back, of course I was going to fucking push her off!"

"Young man, we don't curse in this household." She gave him a stern look and then off towards Lottie, "Lottie, is this true?"

Louis wanted to scoff because Lottie immediately gave Mum the sweetest face in the world, looking up at her while fluttering her eyelashes. "No Mumma, I would never do that to my big brother."

"Oh, Lottie you're so full of shit!"



Jay only huffed and crossed her arms on top of her chest as she shook her head scornfully. "Breakfast is ready, come on." She looked down at Lottie and nodded her head towards the kitchen. "Lottie get out of your brother's room and give him some space please."

With that, Lottie sat up merrily and essentially skipped her way out of his room, but not before darting around and sticking her tongue out at him, and yeah, Louis was gonna create a personalized hell for her.

Once out of sight and the door shot close behind with a click, Louis flopped back on the bed, sighing heavily.


He thinks about 5 minutes go by until he finally feels like sitting up, being hunched at the edge of his bed while dragging the back of his hands over his eyes to try and get rid of the sleep from them.

Truthfully, he wasn't feeling as enthusiastically eager as he thought he would. And yes, it had everything to do with the knowledge of understanding that Styles was going to probably be there in the same school, the same campus, and Louis dreaded the idea.

The ExceptionalsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora