"greatest showman, can we cuddle?" i say glancing at him "of course" he says as he sits up resting his back against the headboard.

i rest in between his legs as his hand played with my hair. he pulls it out the messy bun running his hands through it.

as i watch the movie i can't help but get tired with the way he's playing with my hair.

i yawn as my eye lids get heavy. "tired princess?" he asks. i hum closing my eyes.

he switches the film off lifting me to the top of the bed, pulling the covers over us.

he softly kisses my nose whispering "sweet dreams, princess" before resting his arms around my waist.

i smile half asleep, turning and placing a sweet kiss on the corner of his mouth. he smirks opening his eyes.

"what was that..." he teases. my face goes red as i try hide in my sweatshirts hood. "nothing, wasn't me" i mumble.

he lifts my hood down staring at me, his left hand comes to rest on my cheek, cupping my face.

he slowly and slowly and slowly leans in before i get to impatient and smash my lips against his.

we both smile into the kiss as he lifts me up onto his lap. my hands run through his hair
yeah tugging on it. he groans into the kiss.

i feel him smirk, his hands move down grabbing my ass making me slightly moan. i pull away out of air as we breath heavily.

"wow" we both say. he smiles leaning in again.

someone knocks on the door making us jump apart. "yo it's me thomas is Anna in here?" we hear thomas ask.

i peck jackson's lips before rushing out the door. "what's up?" i ask. "um i wanted to film a tiktok about cooper and i was thinking about talking on that night we found him.. at the old house you know?" he explains.

i nod as we walk down the hall. "of course" i smile. he hop into his car as he gets up a tiktok.

mention of OD, passing etc⚠️⚠️⚠️

"i'm sure that by now you guys have heard about cooper passing this morning" Thomas starts off. "we wanted to share an experience we both had with cooper" i finish.

"2 years ago he'd went missing at a small party we had thrown at the first house" Thomas starts. "me and Thomas went looking for him, we walked into one of the back rooms and cooper had OD" he explains.

"i remember yelling at thomas to call an ambulance as coops heart beat had stopped, holding him in that state was a scary experience" i nod, wiping my eyes.

"i told myself and reassured anna that we weren't gonna let him go, we were gonna save him" thomas says.

"until an ambulance arrived we took turns giving chest compressions. we called the party off and got everyone to stay in there rooms till the ambulance had arrived" i explain.

"we done that for a solid 20 minutes, i kept thinking to myself this kid is not gonna be gone, not on my watch"

"after a solid 30 minutes, cooper began breathing. he had opened his eyes mumbling out stuff. i can just remember gasping when i felt his heart beat going" i smile sadly.

"it's been a strange couple days, letting the news settle in. we miss you coop" we both smile before it ends.

"god he'd be 20 today" Thomas laughs. "cmere man" i pull him into a hug as we both cry.

"please, come talk to me if anything and i mean anything gets to you or is on your mind. i can't lose you kiddo" thomas says, pecking my head.

"of course, and you know you can always come talk to me" i say as we head back inside. "i love you anna, your like my little sister" he says hugging me again.

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