Team Arrow (Smoak-Queen Family)

Start from the beginning

🥊: Good observation, genius. 😒

💻: I'm okay, really, but thanks for checking up on me.

🏹: William, being someone's who has taken more bullets than I can count, it is never okay.

💻: I understand, dad. But luckily for me, Conner takes after his dad on his medicals skills.

🏹: I can't tell you how many times John's saved our lives.

📱: Probably equal to the amount times Roy and Thea have broken up.

💻: Exactly my point. 😁

💻: It does cause some issues though, when I'm trying to hack into the Bratva's database with one hand. That was a hard task. 😉

📱: Lol.

🥊: 🤓🤓

🏹: What are you doing?!

🥊: Control-freak dad is back. 🤪

💻: Did he ever leave?

🏹: Really?🤦‍♂️

📱: Kids, please show your father some respect.

🥊: What? I'm just joking.

💻: Okay, okay, sorry dad. But to be fair, we're currently working from the Arrowlair.

📱: Cool! Do you want my help then, Will?

💻: Um...

🥊: Choose your next words wisely, Mr. Perfect Pants. 😒

💻: ....

🏹: William, please answer your mother.

📱: 🙏

💻: Okay, sure.

📱: Yay! 😁

🏹: Do you want me to come, Mia?

🥊: Whatever you want.

🏹: I could always teach you that arrow technique you've been asking about.

🥊: Okay then, yes. 👍

🏹: Great! 😼

💻: Why did you use an evil cat emoji? Lol

🏹: What? No, I clicked on the heart eyed cat one.

📱: Um, sorry Honey, but Will's right.

💻: Why would you want to use a cat emoji at all?

🥊: Because he's old.

📱: Please stop, you two.

🏹: I'm looking back now...

🥊: Do you think dad will let me use Curtis as target practice again?

💻: Probably. Unfortunately for Curtis, that is.

📱: Poor Curtis.

🥊: It's not THAT bad.

💻: Said the one who's shooting the arrow.

🥊: 🤨🙄

🏹: You were right about the emoji, William.

💻: Thanks, but did it really matter?

🏹: Yes, because I'm going to prove that your mom isn't the only one who can do the whole texting thing. Now I'm resending my emoji...

🥊: ?

💻: Dad, please don't!

🏹: Just give me a second, kids.

📱Uh no.

🏹: 😻

🏹: There! Cat heart emoji thing sent.

🥊: Oh my God, dad. Why?

🏹: What did I do now?

💻: Nothing. It's just that an emoji kinda loses meaning if it's not sent after the corresponding text.

🏹: Oh.

🥊: That was a nerdy response if I've ever heard one, Willy.

📱: It's okay, we all do it.

💻: Thanks, mom.

📱: ❤

🥊: Woah, this just got way too emotional for me so, I'm out.

Mia Queen-Smoak 🥊 has left the chat.

💻: Okay, well, I guess I should be going too. See you guys later, today?

📱: Of course! 😁

🏹: Yes, William. And make sure to keep that arm bandaged and clean.

💻: Will do, dad. Bye! 👋

William Clayton/Queen 💻 has left the chat.

📱: You okay if I leave too? Have a brunch with John.

🏹: No problem.

📱: Love you. ❤

🏹: Love you too.

Felicity Smoak-Queen 📱 has left the chat.

🏹: Time to go train your daughter how to incapacitate an enemy, Oliver.

Oliver Queen 🏹 has ended the group chat.

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