Peach fuzzed laughed, taking a sip of his beer soon after. "Because the Chief Constable is a member. Didn't you know he was in the Domestic Forces once upon a time. Agni sake you ever get to talking to that guy and he goes on and on about how he was in the Capital during the Invasion. Guy didn't even fight, he was a damn clerk." The two men laughed at that the Domestic Forces always being seen as a Joke by the other branches. "I'd have loved to see what he would have thought of Kretin Valley ."

That bit caught her Attention. "You were at Kretin Valley ?"

Peach fuzz nodded. "I was. Nasty bit of business that was. I'll spare you the awful details and just say it wasn't fun."

"Emiko" lowered her head a little. "I...knew someone who was there...he told me about it once... he didn't like talking about it."

Peach fuzz let out a sigh. "Cant say I blame him. I can remember we were advancing into the Valley in tight formation when we got ambushed, I was about middle ways in and a bunch of us got cut off from the rest of the Army...I made it into this sort of box Canyon where a bunch of us had started to gather. Only had a young Fresh out of the Academy Lieutenant there to lead us and I thought for sure we were all going to die...but somehow we made it..." Peach fuzz trailed off for a moment. "But anyways what do you think about what Quai said?"

"I think it's a bunch of old fools who can't let the past go." She said, realizing the irony of her statement. She was one of those fools who couldn't let the past go.

"Well said." Peach fuzz said. "I don't know why these guys keep popping up every few years. I mean the wars long over let's just drink to the memories of friends lost and move on."

"Say...Emiko." Fat man said, suddenly interrupting the Conversation. "When do you get off work?"

Peach fuzz held up a hand. "You leave that girl alone now, I've seen her knock out guys twice your size for hitting on her. She's like a wild cat."

Fat man smiled. "It was just a simple question."

"Emiko" did her best to keep that friendly smile she was so used to flashing. "Not for a few more hours I'm afraid, and no I don't want to go anywhere with you, or be seen with you." With that she picked up the tray and turned to walk away, that's when she felt a hand touch her rear. The smile was gone now as she spun back around. Peach fuzz and Quai suddenly scooting their chairs back. Fat man had a self satisfied grin on his face. She flipped the tray sideways the empty cups falling to the ground and clattering. She then brought the tray up and swung it, hitting the man in the face so hard that he fell backwards and his drink went flying. The bar suddenly went silent as all eyes fell on her.

Fat man stood up, his nose pouring blood. "Ah, broke my nose!" He shouted.

"Touch me again and I'll break your face!" She shouted at him.

Peach fuzz laughed. "I told you, they never listen do they?" He said looking to Quai who smiled and shook his head.

"Homura!" Fat man shouted as he covered his leaking nose. "I want this girl fired!"

She turned to look at Homura who simply leaned on the counter. "I told you once, look all you want but don't touch. Now pay your tab and get out, and if I see you in here again." She reached behind herself and withdrew a dagger, setting it on the counter. "I'll carve off those fat touchy fingers of yours real quick."

Fat man tried to stammered a response but couldn't find anything to say. Defeated he plopped two copper coins on the table and stormed out. His "friends" laughing all the while. Like that the entertainment was over and everyone went back to their drinks and conversation.

The Officer and the Princess: The Flames Of WarWhere stories live. Discover now