Two: New Groove

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  Detective Mark Hoffman was a large man, with a wider torso he appeared even bigger. Matched with his looming body he had a nasty temper, a sneer along with a resting bitch face his guttural and fighting tone warded off many, but could also be taken as a challenge. Miyu found the male's behavior curious much like many things in the building she often found herself in, in the coming months she watched at a great distance while helping pull apart or put together pieces, screwing things into their proper places she found herself stalking him as if he was a healthy buck. 

  She knew if she were to keep her distance and understand his mannerisms better she could close that distance without alerting him, like a buck if she is spotted he could flee or if within enough distance, gore her. Her flawed thought process was revealed as she found herself directly beside him without his knowledge, it felt like grabbing a lion's tail as she spoke a soft greeting only to see him react outwardly and nearly grab her if not for her own reflexes.

  "My apologies, Hoffman. My intention was not to startle or scare you, this is supposed to be a somewhat-safe environment." Miyu offered a slight smile that comforted him little and so she continued, with stiff body language she switched to a more questioning tone, "I am fascinated by what you are doing, do you have the time to run down your process with the current trap you're working on?"

  Begrudgingly he explained the point of the trap that would be connected to a bigger piece, the device would close suddenly so that the nails impaled the brain. Miyu listened intently and questioned him lightly while leaning in closer, with the movie she had only recently watched by engaging in closer contact he would catch the vanilla scent she had purposely sprayed herself with to encourage a better association with her. Still, she couldn't see any change in his demeanor and gave him more space instead, clearly, she needed to be more direct.

  She retreated back to helping John with his trap instead and hours later when she was to go approached him as he was still working on the same trap, he had just dropped a screw as his large fingers had a harder time gripping the small object. Dipping down and picking it up she placed it in his open palm before striking,

  "It is most common in nature that the stronger better fitted male is more likely to find a suitable mate and continue his bloodline resulting in stronger and sometimes more aggressive descendants. The modern man can use different methods of attracting a partner through aggressive body language or in other words faux strength to compensate-" She stopped midsentence realizing how her words may come off and cleared up the misunderstanding as soon as possible, "I am implying that with your bigger stature that your stronger bloodline is displayed naturally. . ."

  He appeared in awe, an open hanging jaw with furrowed brows showing his confusion, he slowly retracted his palm, eyeing her suspiciously. It wasn't that the compliment went unnoticed merely the delivery was so roundabout it left more questions than answers. Unsatisfied with the response Miyu could feel herself beginning to clam up, her throat dry and her thoughts disappearing within a flash she had no plan after she had attempted to compliment, she felt herself taking steps back despite not being in any danger. She nodded her head quickly and left the building, her face red and feeling defeated.

  She chose to drown her sorrows in alcohol and ice cream as she learned from her coworkers, while rewatching her newest favorite movie and contemplating where she went wrong she got a call. It was a group of her coworkers who wished to go to a karaoke bar, having nothing better to do she wore the same slacks and blouse as she continued to wear to outings, it was barely eight in the evening when she met her associates outside the bar and entered alongside them. It wasn't hard for them to catch onto her downtrodden demeanor and Judith, an enchanting and strong-willed dark-skinned reception worker gently grabbed her shoulder,

  "Talk with us, what happened to that quirky girl that was spouting off bout how predictable our manager was?"

  Miyu pursed her lips before ordering more alcohol before speaking between sighs, "it is admittedly hard for me to convey my meaning to others, in my previous workplace we spoke straightforwardly and in a more...pronounced diction. With this repeated attempt I come off-"

  "Alien?" Isabella, the light-skinned girl to her left with bleached hair spoke her Cuban accent spilling between her lips, revealing the gap in her teeth with a cheeky smile.

  "I was going to say patronizing, but yes." Miyu pouted despite her stiff demeanor before grabbing her drink and downing it, ignoring the burn she felt.

  "What you need is to learn some slang, the way you talk is cute but try using shorter words, it will get some getting used to, and also try swearing a little I can promise it feels great. Go on try it."

Miyu squinted slightly before clearing her throat, "I want to fuck that man and utterly dominate his every thought." She felt her cheeks flush, deciding to blame the alcohol as she quickly muttered she felt nothing about using vulgar language but appreciated their help.

  It wasn't soon after did they go come by cab and agreed to go shopping for the weekend since they were all off work. The shopping they did consisted of higher-end shops which while she was against spending an absorbent amount of money she felt included and trotted along with her little bags filled with leather skirts and form-fitting shirts. At some point, they had passed and ventured into a sex shop where her eyes were opened to a new world, of leather and latex with metal cuffs and thick ropes. She bought more while in that story and left with a satisfied smile, she had formed a plan while she continued to buy more and more.

  She had visited a flower shop that did deliveries, she did a combination of buttercups, daisies, and a single white rose. Much like the serial killer she worked under she was deliberate in everything she did, sending a flower arrangement standing for attraction and loyalty or innocence to Mark Hoffman's place of work was to stir word about his new secret admirer. From there she was to show off her body with knee-high leather skirts and form-fitting pink blouses, thin heels, and red lipstick she would frame herself as somewhat submissive. if she can lure him close she would truly be the predator going for his next and showing no mercy.

  After two weeks of flowers in various arrangments and avoiding too much direct conversation with the detective she spun her yarn to get close to colleagues at his workplace, finding herself at his police station and inviting agent Perez to lunch when she was free, the same form-fitting outfit while Mark Hoffman was just getting in to witness her.

Harder They Fall (Mark Hoffman x OC! Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя