One: Endless Night

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Hello Miyu. 

 I want to play a game.You came to this country by marrying a man you had no love for. And once you were here, you threw away that charity, along with your ring. Your lies brought you across the sea, and now they have brought you to me. The device you're currently bound in will do its best to find the heart you seem to have lost. Unless, of course, you can face the source of your deceptions, and find the key. 

 Will we finally see if lies truly blacken the heart? Or will you mutilate the only tool you seem to know how to use? You have sixty seconds to decide.Live or Die. Make your choice.

  Miyu found herself strapped to a table, all of her limbs beside her right arm were freed, the TV balanced on a rolling table flashed her X-ray in which showed the key for her chains inside of her jaw, the only tool she had was a serrated scalpel to her right. The seconds ticked slowly as she swallowed hard before she began to cut at the under of her tongue keeping her fingers close to the blade to be able to feel where she needed to cut, luckily she could feel the stitches and followed line to reopening the cut.

  Digging her fingers and pulling the key out she was quick to shove it into the locks that bound her, with only twenty seconds to spare she relieved herself of her prison and slid off the table, she cut a chunk off her cotton sleeve and shove it into her mouth to stop the bleeding as she moved on, keeping her ears open and her footing light she prowled the concrete halls until she came into a large room, an old man sat in a chair with black robes lined with red, his eyes piercing into her stoic expression, she pulls the cotton from her mouth to speak first,

  "Explain your reasoning for this abduction. If I find your cause was unjust and irresponsible I will do a service wiping you from this country's census."

  "I have given you the push you needed to survive," John spoke carefully, wisdom filling each word that Miyu didn't buy into, "you are a better person for it." He smiles carefully even as Miyu approaches dangerously close, a gun clicks behind her though she pays little mind to it, her aim and stature unwavering.

  "You are that jigsaw man the media babbles on about," While she spoke she traced the uneven breathing to her right a little distance away, just out of reach of a quick swipe, "they prattle about your ruthless killing like it is the newest soda, annoying."

  "I have never killed anyone."

  "Assisted suicide is still murder by definition of American law, it does not matter how many barriers and pretty torture devices you place between the time of their kidnapping and the time of their death, nothing changes the outcome of your direct correlation." She pauses taking a single glance to the woman shakily pointing a shotgun at her, with black hair and dark eyes. "Yet I am intrigued by your broken ideology." 

  The conversation died down as the weapons were lowered but she remained stiff, Miyu had been offered the help of a doctor but instead requested the tools themself, after receiving the surgical tools she sat in front of a mirror and stitched the opening closed again. She bided her time looking over all the blueprints with a curious eye, poking holes silently into each tape she heard, it was almost laughable. During her wandering, she witnesses the woman who held the gun to her struggling to pry apart a metal chunk, she held out her hand, and when the object was dropped pried it apart for her but not before wiping her prints from the piece.

  Finally, at the end of the day, she stood in front of the old man with folded arms, "I find your reasoning completely false and as unstable as a freshly birthed foal." She paused for a moment before leaning close while playing a hand on his chair, both unwavering in their eye contact, "However I'm interested in your torture methods and your search for purpose, I will join and even fund your slaughterhouse if you help me continue my freedom in this country. I am searching to express all the forms of freedom America offer, do you agree to these terms?"

  After some thought John offers his hand just as a large man walks into the room, Miyu shakes his hand with a slight grin, "You have a deal, but you will also tell me your story."

  "You will learn my story in time, I'm currently looking for the missing piece of the American dream-" Her eyes landed on a brutish tall man with pursed lips expressing somewhere between confusion and annoyance, his disgruntled grunt at her eye contact made her smile. "All of that will be found in time, patience is key to the perfect strike."

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