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So- I know I said I would be back with two more chapters last week, but the thing is... I broke my ankle and I'm being kept hospitalized for the time being (I have my notes and everything back at home very well hidden) so I can't take a look at them because well- I don't even have my computer and I can't write. Not for now at least. 

So, I thought it would be better to declare this on Hiatus (once again I know) and release some short stuff I have here on my cellphone cuz why not? I've been keeping all this things for the last two years so I don't think it is a problem because a lot of things changed like a LOT. 

Lukadrien Headcanons I like a ton.

- Luka is an insomniac and on the rare occasions he can sleep w/out meds are because Adrien is there.

- Adrien likes to come through Luka's window and steal his bed completely for himself (poor Luka sleeps on the floor).

- Luka has a collection of things that Adrien isn't allowed to have at his house in a bin for Adrien when he wants them. Basically consists of junk food and movies he wasn't allowed to see so he watched them w luka. And lots of skincare products cuz he knows Adrien loves skincare more than anything. 

- Luka is top

- Adrien is demi

- They had to hide their relationship from Adrien's father and the media for a while. 

- Natalie knows (found out herself) but hasn't brought it up to him or his father and tries to get them more free time so Adrien can spend time with his boyfriend

- Luka likes to take Adrien to cool places and landmarks on his bike because he knows he doesn't get out much.

- Luka paints Adrien's nails all the time. it started w more natural colors to blend but one day Adrien was like fuck it and had him paint them black. His father wouldn't let him out of the house until he took it off.

- Luka pierces his ears all the time. Like. All. The. Time. He's going to run out of ears. It's a coping mechanism for him to try and feel something. Also, he thinks it makes him look badass.

- Luka has a tongue piercing (the only one he got professionally done) and Adrien loves it.

- Adrien cannot take a compliment he's too used to them being to get something from him or because of his fans so when Luka tells him smth like "you look so beautiful in my shirt" he doesn't believe him and asks if he wants anything. As soon as he learns that people give compliments to make others feel good and starts taking them as smth genuine, he gets all flustered and blushy.

- Adrien is good at makeup, like covering up eye bags or hickeys which becomes more and more helpful as their relationship develops.

- Adrien is touch-starved and relies on physical contact. Luka is determined to give him as much physical affection as he needs.

- When they are together they are usually touching, like holding hands/arms.

- Luka can put his chin on top of Adrien's head if he tries really hard and uses that to his advantage.

- Luka loves to come up from behind and wrap his arms around Adrien's waist.

- They can't be big on PDA due to their secret relationship but always take up the opportunity when they can.

- All their friends know and support them (except LB, Alya, and Nino cuz they don't know a thing). Even Lila knows. 

- Adrien loves to wear Luka's clothes as often as he can. He's not allowed to shop for himself to keep up the Agreste reputation so when he sees something he really likes he takes it and wears it just until it stops smelling like Luka something he notices and finds adorable until his favorite shirt is missing for a whole week.

That Losing Game of Ours. MLB Lukadrien Fanfic.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt