Chapter 3.-Finding Out

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Chat Noir climbed the Eiffel Tower as he took his turn to patrol Paris, he hadn't seen Ladybug in a while. It was not like he cared anymore though, as the days went by it was way better to hang out with Luka than anyone else, even Ladybug. They got into a big fight that... well, ended up with Adrien changing his appearance with the Black Cat Miraculous and gave an important lesson to Ladybug, and that was to respect him not just as her partner, but as a person too, he made clear to her that he as well had a life that sometimes he couldn't even escape, he had his own problems and Ladybug wasn't the only one that stressed herself over being a superhero, at the end of it they talked what was wrong and thanks to Luka's advice everything just got to be different but in a good way. He was slowly forgetting Ladybug and started to understand the others around him such as his father, his grief was something that held him back like chains and he couldn't do anything about it, that was why he was even colder now, after what happened to his mother.

He sighed while he sat on the metal bars, it had been a busy week. His father had arranged like a thousand photoshoots that drained him of all his energy, it felt good to go out on patrol and feel the freezing air of Paris, it was even better to sit on the Eiffel Tower and watch the landscape at night, it was astonishing, the lights made it look like it had a million stars, thus the nickname the 'City of Light', it really was something that relaxed him and made him feel better, he looked at the river, it looked smaller than his finger from there, he couldn't even distinguish the Couffaine's boat, it was so dark and so far that he couldn't.

"Oi Kitty!" He heard a voice behind him and realized it was Ladybug.

"Ladybug" Chat Noir said without paying attention to her and still looking to the river.

"Is something wrong kitty?" Ladybug said as she approached him playing with her feet.

"Ladybug, this might sound rude but can you stop calling me like that? it actually gives me mixed signals" Chat Noir said as he stood up, getting ready to leave, he didn't look as annoyed as he thought he would be, he was more frustrated at that.

"Then you stop calling me 'My Lady'" Ladybug said with a hint of a joke, she tried looking for Chat's eyes, trying to be noticed as how it always was, yet she couldn't find them on her anymore, they rather wandered around the landscape below them.

"Then please stop, I don't call you like that anymore," Chat Noir said without looking her in the eyes, he knew that if he did, all of his progress would have been in vain, because let's be honest, you can't forget someone you were so extremely in love with in a blink of an eye, at least he couldn't.

"Why are you annoyed now?" Ladybug looked concerned now, she was used to Chat's jealous acts, yet this was different in any form, Chat didn't look at her the same anymore, his eyes didn't reflect the cherish and care they used to, now he didn't even look at her

"I am not annoyed"

"You look and sound like you're"

"Ladybug, just stop it"

"Tell me what is happening to you"

"My shift has already ended, I better go"

"Hey wait! I want to talk to you"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm in the mood" Chat Noir said before leaving Ladybug alone and confused, he had never been like that before, not even when she rejected him on that date.

Ladybug felt very annoyed by that, but why? was it because she felt that Chat Noir was distancing himself from her? She just left the tower as she went to Alya's house, she was going to sleep over and discuss some stuff regarding the miraculous distribution and safety of the box, Alya was the only one who knew and she was always a lifesaver as she could be a great detective and always had the curiosity to learn everything she could regarding superheroes. She got to her best friend's window as she knocked three times on it, it was like a signal to tell Alya it was safe and she had already arrived, she heard how the window opened and before she could get in she was grabbed by Alya.

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