As for czarina and Xavier they are lost in there own world recalling there hilarious memories of the past, all the matches she attended for him, how one day the ball directly hit his head because he was lost in his own thoughts, the thing czar didn't know still now about that incident is that xav didn't lost in his thoughts instead he lost in her like always, admiring her with the same affection he always does when she enter the crowd of supporters, his eyes was stuck on her all along due to which he had missed to notice the ball coming towards his direction which leads to a an harsh hit in his head, and he fall unconscious with an satisfactory smile in his lips.

Currently czar is laughing her heart out remembering that incident, while xav was pouting like a kid but inside he is a blushing mess, thinking how she remember each and every detail about all those times, how wrong he was to think that only he was the one to give attention to her each and every single gesture, but today he finds out that she is also doing the same, she is also giving attention to him all these time, it's not only him who is doing so. Czar was also doing the same, it's just she is bad at expressing unlike him who is expressive than her, he expressed it in his each and every action. Like separating brocolli from her plate, filling her glass with water after she gulp her glass empty, tieing her hair up in a messy bum so that she can eat peacefully without getting disturbed by her long hair, wiping her lips with tissue as she hates messy eaters, passing her favourite dishes to her side and many more, his each and every single action show how much he knows about her more than she herself do.

She coed at him while pinching his cheeks like he is some kind of kid..

Czarina : aww look at our big boy sulking like a kid he is..

Czarina teased him while controlling herself from break out in another laughter. Xavier fake huff giving her an iam done with you look but from inside his stomach is filled with all those butterflies that are dancing with happiness with the affection she is showing towards him, he knows it's not the same affection he has for her, it's just an affection a bestfriend shows towards another bestfriend, but it is enough for him to spent the rest of his life in peace and contentment. Small affection, small caring, that's all he asked for is it too much to ask no right, but for someone who is glaring at Xavier it is, he looks at Xavier with rage Everytime he do something for her.. it's a hella big Matter for his dislikes

when Vyan had enough of there annoyingly cute interaction he slammed his hands over the table making all the eyes to stuck on him.

Czarina : hey what happened babe, are you allright, did you need anything..

"Yes i need my girlfriend all for myself" he screamed internally in his mind but he can't say it loud, so he did what he is good at, he smiled at her sweetly..

Vyan : yess baby iam absolutely fine, what can happend to me when you are sitting beside me "laughing with you bestfriend"

He forced his last word "laughing with you bestfriend" with an bitter sweet smile. Grace and Ethan were smirking internally looking at vyan's frustrated expression made there day, it's not less than a housefull show for them, worth watching than anything else, while Czarina smile as she was unable to point out the mocking tone behind his words, she is soo happy to have vyan with her in her family time, it makes her feel like they are accepting vyan in her life, if everything goes well soon in future they'll completely accept him as an family member, and she can't help but feel giddy with all those thoughts..

Grace : baby just spill the beans, tell us more about our sulking baby..

Grace said with an teasing tone eyeing between xav and vyan, as for vyan he gritted his teeth he is not up to listen to their other lovey Dovey stories, he already had enough..

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now