Ten - "More than friends."

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"You got any sixes?"

"Go fish."

"Any twos?"

"Fuck you got me." Eddie rolled his eyes, handing one over, "We've been playing this game for hours Lyds, I am bored absolutely shitless in here."

"We'll I'm sorry that I'm not good company."

"No it isn't you, it's just- I haven't felt this cooped up in a long time. I wanna be out there doing something!"

"Eddie you know this is the safest place for you right now."

The Munson boy threw his cards up in the air and lay himself down on the ground, his head falling to rest in his somewhat crush's lap.

"You are absolutely right, my little protector. It doesn't mean I feel any less cramped in here though."

"Well what do you want me to do about that?" She chuckled, weaving her fingers through his curls.

"Distract me!"

"How am I supposed to distract you Eddie?" She burst into laughter, "Help me out here!"

"Tell me something I don't know about you yet."

"You know almost everything about me." The girl laughed softly, collecting the playing cards scattered around the both of them before placing them in a neat pile on Eddie's chest.

"See almost is the key word there my friend. Almost means I don't know everything, yet anyway."

"Friend? Ouch that hurts. I thought we were supposed to be best friends."

"Oh shut up, you know we've always been more than friends Greystone... so come on, tell me something!"

"Fine! Uh - a few years back I used to live in the same trailer park that you and your uncle do."


"It was back in middle school, before we really knew each other."

"We have only known each other for four months now. Sometimes I forget it hasn't been a life time."

"Me too."

"You lived there with your Aunt right? You still need to introduce me to her."

"I can't bring you home to the parents just yet." She smiled down on him

"Yeah, homicidal cult leader doesn't exactly fit the bill for parental approval huh?"

"Not exactly but I'm sure we can work something out."

Eddie listened intently to the girl as she spoke, wondering who exactly it would hurt if he kissed her there and then, but then a thought occurred to him, it would hurt her. What if he did go to jail? Or Jason and his friends caught up to him? What would happen to Lyds then?

"Y-You were saying?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, forgetting the idea.

"It was actually me and my family who lived there together."

"Really? I thought you always lived with your aunt?"

"No. That was just after the crash."


Lydia paused for a moment contemplating whether to let Eddie in on her dirty little secret, and finally she decided it was time.

"It was a couple years ago. I would've told you sooner but it's a lot and I don't like talking about it-"

"Hey, princess." He sat up, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm not here to judge you."

"My dad died in a car accident."

Dark Favours // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now