Chapter 1

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A/N: And the first chapter is out!! Hope you guys like it:)) Don't forget to vote and comment as you read! Also, you can find Nari's apartment and bakery aesthetics at the end of the chapter

Chapter 1

"They're gonna fire me."

Nari finished piping the last of the filling on the lemon macaroons before turning to her friend who was in the middle of her daily mental breakdown. Sehee was leaning against the counter in the kitchen of Nari's bakery, stress eating a blueberry muffin.

"Sehee, you always say this but you're literally their best employee." Nari said, adding finishing touches to the macaroons.

 She grabbed the tray and began making her way to the front to put them in the display case, with Sehee at her heels. She pulled out the tray of old macaroons, which was still mostly full, and tossed them in the trash. 

 This was the one year anniversary of the bakery being open, and honestly business hasn't been the best. Most customers of La Fleur never really made it inside the store, but loved to take pictures for Instagram outside. Nari couldn't blame them, though. She spent hours planning out the floral and pastel design and days actually decorating the front. Even if they didn't end up buying anything, she was proud that they were at least pleased aesthetically by the outside.

Sehee was one of her original customers. She had come rushing in one morning, late to work, and grabbed a croissant saying it was her cheat day. She then came back the next day, the day after, and the day after that. They became close friends pretty soon as Nari found Sehee's work rants entertaining, and Sehee fell in love with Nari's baked goods.

"Nooo, they're seriously gonna do it this time," Sehee insisted, helping Nari set the chairs out for the tables. "I forgot to draft the advertisement for the SEVENTEEN endorsement. IT'S SEVENTEEN, NARI! THIS COULD BE THE BIGGEST BREAK OF MY CAREER!"

Nari blew a piece of red hair out of her face. She had recently dyed it looking for a change, but it was quickly fading into a strawberry blonde colour. "Who is SEVENTEEN?"

Sehee's mouth dropped and she looked at Nari in shock. "Have you been living under a rock? How do you not know one of the biggest boy groups in Korea! Heck, even internationally?"

Nari just shrugged, "We didn't listen to much kpop in France, and you know after I moved I didn't have time to keep up with everything. Maybe I've heard of them, I'm not sure though."

Sehee's eyes lingered on Nari and her gaped mouth eventually closed. 

Sehee felt bad for everyone who didn't know of SEVENTEEN's existence. She wasn't sure where else they found happiness in life. But Nari was an exception, and Sehee couldn't really blame her for basically living under a rock.

 Sehee found out that Nari moved to Korea five years ago after her parents passed away. Even though Nari was fully Korean, she was basically a foreigner with how clueless she was about most Korean culture. The only Korean thing she knew was how to speak the language, and the rest was basically textbook knowledge. Any pop culture references Nari learned was through Sehee, a pop culture encyclopedia.

Sehee eventually just leaned back in her chair and let out a long sigh, preparing to explain. "SEVENTEEN is this 13 member boy group that is amazing in every way. They're amazing singers, dancers, and entertainers. I swear, they will always be able to bring a laugh out of me on the shittiest days."

Nari nodded along, only half listening. The other half of her attention was given to arranging the pastries into a cute little flower design. Although Nari was confident in her culinary skills, she couldn't deny that it was truly the visual that sold the product.

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