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I grunt softly scrunching up my face as I groan in pain I feel drained and everything hurts.

"How did I?..." I look around the small closet for something I can use to pull to help myself up.

After a few struggles I get up and catch my breath I look at my ankle as it hurts. Did I sprain it? I look around the floor for any possible ways. The box..I look at the self that was broken and scattered over the floor. I clean up the mess before scurrying out of the closet I hold on to the walls limping towards the exist

It was kind of dark the moon was out so it was night time. A voice calls behind me.

Hands touch my arm lightly I panic and jump slightly twisting my ankle the wrong way only making it hurt more I wail as he catches me before I touch the ground and throws my arm over his neck as he holds my waist with the other hand giving me butterflys. He stays silent taking me back into the school and into the infirmary sitting me carefully on the bed. I sigh lifting my leg up on the bed I take off my converse to look at my foot. I analyze the room for a bandage.

"Can you get me a compression wrap?" I ask Mr Pyeon he stands over me with his tall masculine body and broad shoulders.

Couldn't help but look up at him as he wraps the bandage around my ankle my lips part slightly as I stare at him as if he was a book I was into, the more I read the more deeper I'm into it. The slight burns on his face made him beautiful and mysterious though him himself was a interesting person. I could look at him for hours and not get tired of him. He finishes the wrap and eventually notices me looking he looks back at me. I'm still lost in my world of fantasy's.

"you got a staring problem?" He smirks keeping his posture to stand above me. With that phrase it takes me back to the time he said the same thing on the plane.

I smile and say "well you are very handsome" I couldn't remember what I fully said then but that's part of it. I guess he remembers though...

"Easy, I'm your teacher now" he says pulling out a cigarette and lights it.

"your Aloud to smoke in here?"

"I'm a adult. I do what I please, they can't fire me if they are low on teacher's and staff so they're ganna have to deal with it"

I nod understanding what he means. This is honestly the most I've heard him talk.

"So what happened?" He says finishing off his cigarette after a few minutes.

"I can't really remember but. I stood up for myself against some boys today next thing I know I got thrown in a closet"

"Names?" He said briefly getting to the point.

"I remember him saying gwi-nam. And he was with the boys who where making fun of me today" he stays silent...what he does best. He's probably just thinking. It then hit me. Great how am I going to get home? Mom's going to be gone for two days. Ugh. I reach in my pocket and my face goes cold as if the color drained out my skin.

"My phone's gone...great!" I exclaim. "And my moms out of towns" while I'm trying to figure things out I put my shoe back on and see if I can manage to stand. Still limping I don't apply to much pressure.

"How far is your house?"

"About two miles away from here"

He nods silently then turns to me with a head gesture like he's saying come on. Something you would do to a dog but more happier and convincing. I hesatitly follow next to him outside of the school he keeps an eye on me.

I smile knowing he wants to ask if I need help so I keep up my walking as if I don't need him.

"Ow" i whisper slightly gripping my thigh giving it a little squeeze Almost like a massage. But I keep walking as we only go as far as a corner.

his way- Yoon Gwinam- Pyeon SangwookWhere stories live. Discover now