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"KOREA?!" I scream almost having a heart attack...  then again I say                                                            "Were moving to Korea?" I confirm in a calmer voice.

"yes" says my mother smiling. "aren't you happy? you've always been so obsessed with those easpa girls, and I've been offered a job as a makeup artist for an upcoming movie, they are paying me tons!".

I listen to the happiness in her voice and the sparkle in her eyes I felt happy because it's so exciting, but looking into reality and not some k-drama it's not going to be easy...currently bracing myself

"Oh my god that's amazing..." smiling and cheering with my mom.

I think finally my life is about to change. After celebrating I decide to start packing early then that's when my over thinking comes in.

What about my friends? I'm going to miss this house...and the places I would go to  hang out. Oh, and it got worse. What if they all hate me because I'm American? What if I get bullied or beaten... surely that can't happen I'm strong enough to deal with them...then again, they do karate...right? whatever this is stressing me out... I think calmly trying to finish up some packing then getting ready to end the night. 

--------------------------------------------------------next morning----------------------------------------------

"your lying" says a classmate chewing carelessly not believing what I just said.

"Whatever I don't care if you believe me, anyway, just wait when you don't see me around"

and with that I leave for dismissal, it was surprising I was leaving now. I guess she was in a rush. I smirk at my classmate before walking away silently laughing to myself. 

"Hey mom" I say sitting down in her car.

"I am so sorry for picking you up this early I know you wanted to spend more time to say goodbye to Katie"

I look out the window feeling a bit guilty, I haven't told my mom that friendship is long gone so instead I just mumble out

"it's fine, I'll talk to her a lot, I promised to call everyday" wow, if that wasn't the biggest lie I ever told.

I tried not to think much of it I'm going to have fun I shouldn't be the one feeling sorry for dropping her after she started acting snobby and talking about me behind my back. now thinking about it. I won't really miss anything I'm so ready to take this on. 

-------------------------------------------------three days later--------------------------------------------------

"do you got your pass?" says my mother in hurry not to bothered if I even had it or not.

"Yeah, I've got it".

I smile just thinking about how crazy this all is, Korea...wow this is just too good to be true! like I really felt like a girl in a Disney movie.

boarding our flight, the sturdiest smiles and gestures us inside of the plane.

"Seat 12" I whisper to myself looking at all of the numbers.

"12 is over here" I turn to my surprise to see a man I'd say in his late 20s I stare in amazement at how handsome he was, snap out of its Vada.

"Oh thanks" I smile awkwardly, wow it was behind me this whole time. I think I walked past it like twice.

I sit down next to him doing a head bop to show my appreciation as he just glances at me. he seemed quiet looked like a street mafia or something...or a gangster?

his way- Yoon Gwinam- Pyeon SangwookWhere stories live. Discover now