27. Pain

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MC and Phil leave with the doctor, and Jake immediately enters the house and goes to his laptop. He turns it on and focuses on the screen: he will be checking MC's phone all the time to ensure everything is okay.

Gabe watches him from a corner and walks over to him, noticing the worried expression on his face:

Gabe: What's up?

Jake: MC has gone to Duskwood.

Gabe: What? Why?

Jake: We need medicine, food, gas... She left with Phillip.

Gabe: I see, I guess you couldn't convince her.

Jake: I never can.

Gabe: Haha, that's true.

Jake smiles, but his gaze drifts to Gabe's wound and his face changes:

Jake: How's your leg?

Gabe: It's had better days, but I'll be fine. And your arm?

Jake: Same answer.

Gabe: You'd be better off if you hadn't gone to play boy scout in the woods. What were you doing?

Jake: Alan had MC's laptop, he took it from the house.

Gabe looks at him in astonishment at first, but then nods in understanding:

Gabe: How long did it take him to realize that he could track her phone with her email?

Jake: Not much, it seems that he had done his homework.

Gabe: I doubt he cracked the password himself, someone must have helped him... Didn't Nymos take care of blocking access to the phone?

Jake: Yes, that was not the problem. All of MC's information was on that laptop, Gabriel.

Gabe: I understand. Did you have time to delete everything?

Jake: Yes.

Gabe: Alright... But next time let me know because you seriously scared me. Remember that this time you are not alone, bro.

Jake: I am really sorry.

Gabe: Bah, luckily it all worked out, just keep that in mind in the future.

Gabe gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder and sits down next to him to help him with what he's doing, noticing that Jake is having a hard time due to his arm injury. However, at that moment Jessy storms in and goes straight to Dan:

Jessy: You, tell me why you lied to us.

The others enter after her with serious faces, they have been arguing outside apparently.

Dan: Hello first, right?... What are you talking about?

Jessy: Your wheelchair. It turned out that you didn't need it, huh? You allied yourself with these to fake the kidnapping.

Dan: Oh, that... I see they already told you.

Jessy: Yes, and even if MC hasn't done anything, I'm not going to stay quiet.

Dan: I wasn't faking, Jessy. You know it, you were in the hospital with me. The chair was only temporary. I could walk, but I thought if the kidnapper was watching us I could fool him with it and surprise him if he showed up here. It's stupid, I know, but it was what occurred to me at the time.

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