Silenced [PART 1]

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A/N: Inspired by Brianna Mizura. She's a youtuber that creates skits. No, I didn't copy. I changed the story up so it wouldn't be the same as hers. But you should really check out her channel! Anyways, enjoy! :D

   There is always that one point of everyone's lives where they find their soulmate. Sometimes your soulmate isn't always who you expect. But in the end, you still end up being satisfied with that particular person. In Canterlot, Some people are born without a voice. But it's temporary. Once that person finds their soulmate, they'll have a voice. 

   Rainbow Dash is one of the most sweetest, compassionate and loyal people anyone could find. Although she didn't have a voice yet, she was still happy about life. Sometimes it's hard, but she still manages to get through the tough times. 


   Little Rainbow Dash was in her room playing with her toys. It had been a little while since she had been playing with them. Suddenly, something came to mind. She realized that she was never able to speak at all. She always had to either write down what she wanted to say on a piece of paper or use sign language. Which made her question it all. Why couldn't she speak?

   She decided she was gonna ask her mother. She got up from the wooden floor that was in her baby blue medium sized room and went downstairs to the living room where her parents were. Her mother and father smiled at her. She gave them a cute smile in return. Then she grabbed the nearest pencil and a piece of paper that happened to be in the glass table in the living room. Then she began to write down what she wanted to say. When she was done, she gave it to her mother. The paper said "Mommy, why can't I speak?"

   Windy and Bow were surprised that their daughter asked a question like that. Then again, they weren't. This was Rainbow Dash they're talking about. This little 7 year old is curious about everything. 

"Well Sweetie, Some people are born without a voice." Windy started. Rainbow looked at her mother with a curious look on her face. Windy could already tell she was asking why. 

"Basically, people without a voice have to find their soulmate in order to speak." Windy explained. Windy saw the look on her daughters face. She chuckled lightly, she seemed really impressed about this idea about having a soulmate. Even though she had no idea what it was. Rainbow took the pencil and paper and wrote down something else. When she was done, she put the pencil down and gave it to her mom. 

"Having a soulmate seems fun! But..What's a soulmate?" It was written on the piece of paper Rainbow gave to her mom. Windy looked up at her daughter and smiled.

"It's basically your partner. It's a person that comes into your life and makes your life better. It's a person that can always turn a frown into a smile. It's also a person that you could be yourself with, laugh with and make tons of fun memories." Windy said in a nonchalant voice. Rainbow smiled at her mom before taking the piece of paper and writing down, "Like you and daddy?" 

"Yes Dashie, Like me and your father." Windy answered briefly. "But, it doesn't have to be a man." Windy added. Rainbow raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

   Windy chuckled. "Yes, Really. Your soulmate can be the same gender as you. But that's up to you." Windy said.

"What do you mean her soulmate can be the same gender?"

"Um Bow, Some men don't like women and some women don't like men." Windy said. "Is there a problem?" Windy asked. 

"Well...It just seems-"

"Unnatural? Well maybe to you. But to me, there is no problem with dating the same gender. And my daughter wants to date a woman, she can." Windy scolded. 

♡𝑨𝑱 𝒙 𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora