Leap Of Faith [PART 1]

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   Leap Of Faith - When someone believes that they can attempt something even though they're unsure if it's right or will succeed. 

   Rainbow Dash is a girl with a breathtaking personality. She may be cocky at times, but she has a heart. She's loyal to her friends and family and is very encouraging. She's known for giving great advice when it comes to taking a Leap Of Faith. She could tell you anything about that, because she is known for being the brave one. But can she take her own advice? 




   Rainbow Dash was at her locker talking to her friends before the bell rang for the 5th period. They were all just talking about how class went and which students were giving the teachers problems. We all should know that there's always that one student that gives the teacher problems. 

  "Kids these days.." Twilight said.

"I know right. Some of them don't even act like high school students. Lucky for my parents, I'm very mature and I act as such." Rarity bragged, flipping her dark purple curly hair over her shoulder. Twilight shook her head at the sudden praise Rarity gave to herself. Although, she was use to it.

"Hey RD." A familiar voice was suddenly heard by 6 friends. Rainbow turned around to see who it was. She smiled when she saw who the person was.

"Hey Soarin." She said. They both shared a Huh and a short and loving kiss. 

   Let's just say...Rainbow Dash and Soarin been together for two years now. Their 3 year anniversary is a few months away. All of Rainbow's friends were happy for her. Some of them also had a boyfriend themselves. 

   Well...Two particular friends in the mane 6 were happy for her...but couldn't help it but felt that something was odd about Soarin. No, they didn't always think this. These two were the happiest out of all of their friends when they found out they got together. Especially a specific girl with blonde hair. 

   She wasn't Rarity's type of happy and neither Pinkie's. But she was happy alright. Seeing her best friend with someone she loved the most made her feel good inside. When Rainbow's happy, she feels just as happy as she is. But that happiness only lasted for about a year. A few months after Soarin and Rainbow hit two years, she felt odd about Soarin. Sometimes she'd even get mad whenever Soarin was around her. She tried her hardest to control her anger because nine times out of ten, it could go out of hand. But knowing Applejack, she kept her feelings to herself. 

   True, she would've gone straight to Rainbow. Because Rainbow is her best friend, she could tell her anything. But this was something that she couldn't tell her. What if it ruined their friendship? Which is something that she never wanted to happen. Rainbow was her bright light, she couldn't lose her.

"You alright Applejack?" Rarity asked, tapping her friend on the shoulder. Applejack nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Applejack replied. "I just feel like something is up with him..I don't know what it is. I just...can't help it but feel that way." Applejack said honestly. 

"You're not the only one darling, I feel that way too. I don't want to feel that way, but..I just do for some reason." Rarity said. Applejack looked at Rarity, then looked at the couple. She stared at them for a moment, then turned back to Rarity.

"Maybe something is up, we're probably just overthinking." Applejack said.

"Are you sure Applejack?" Rarity asked, unsure if she should believe Applejack. "He's been acting a little weird, our friends and neither Rainbow Dash seem to notice. 

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