Chapter Nine.

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It was now the last lesson of the day, and Karl had geography. In this lesson he sat besides Quackity with Sapnap infront of him. During break, Karl sat with Tubbo and the others, and during lunch he also sat with them. But it wasn't awkward between Karl and Quackity, they had been talking like normal All lesson. But between Sapnap and Karl, it was different.

Sapnap hasn't said two words to Karl, and that just made the other too scared to speak first. Karl knew why Sapnap wasn't happy with him. He had technically chosen Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo over him. Surely that hurt his feelings. But Karl didn't mean to offend Sap, he just wanted some more friends so he didn't have to latch on to Sapnap the whole time. He was worried if he was with Sapnap too much, he would become fed up with Karl, and that's not what he wanted. But now he had ruined it either way. Sapnap was mad at him, and Karl didn't know what to do.

"Quackity..?" Karl whispered, trying to camouflage his voice under the constant chatter of the class.
"Hm?" Q hummed, not taking his eyes off his work as he wrote down some notes about Global Warming.
"Has Sapnap said anything about me?" But that question made Q look up at Karl. His eyebrows tilted as he felt sorry for the way Karl was feeling. "He's hurt." He responded and Karl nodded.

"Why did you... sit with them over us?" Quackity couldn't help but ask.
"I just don't want to depend on you guys all the time. I don't want you lot to think im clingy or anything. Maybe it'd be good for me to hang out with other people sometimes." Karl vented, still whispering as Sapnap was only infront of him. But hopefully he wasn't ease-dropping.

"Listen, i can't speak for Dream. But I know damn well Sapnap would never get fed up with you. Even since you've been here you are the only thing he ever talks about when you're not around. Trust me, it's kinda weird to be honest." Quackity responded, looking at the back of Sapnap's head as he spoke. Karl knew Sapnap had some sort of feelings for him. Since, they did kiss and the way he reacted to Karl hanging out with other people was just more reassurance. If only Karl could go back to this morning at breakfast, he would've gone with Sapnap if he knew the consequences.

"Thank you."

The lesson soon finished as Karl walked down the hallway to his dorm. He was glad the lessons had finished, but he was really anxious to see Sapnap next. He would be lying if he said he hasn't thought of going to Sap's dorm and apologising. But what if things went wrong? But maybe that's what needed to happen.

He was initially on his way to his own room, but on the way he found himself stood outside a different dorm.
"Would it be so bad if I knocked..." he whispered to himself. And then he lifted his knuckle up and gently pressed it against the door. It didn't make any sound, so he did it again with more force. He had knocked.

"Who is it?" The boy who owned the dorm shouted from the other side. His voice made Karl uneasy as he wondered if this was a mistake.
"It's-It's me." He said from outside the dorm, knowing that the other would be able to tell who it was by his voice.

The door swung open and there stood a messy Sapnap who was holding onto the door hand. He was wearing sweats and his hair was all messy, he looked so tired yet so hot. Karl stared at him for a few moments before waking up from his trance. "Hi." He mumbled, not sure of what else to say.

"Karl..?" Sapnap replied, his cheeks going red. "God- if I knew you were coming I would've fixed this!" He said, pointing to his hair which made Karl laugh.
"Oh shush. You know you're so fucking hot you don't need to fix a thing." Karl replied, folding his arms and staring down at his vans.
"Such a simp." Sapnap rolled his eyes, trying to hold in his laugh at his own words.
"Oh shut up. Can I come in or not?" He asked with a sarcastic groan.
"Fine come on in idiot." Sapnap laughed, grabbing Karl's hand and bringing him in his room.

They both got comfortable and sat on Sapnap's bed. By now, Sapy had put his hood up to hide his hair as he threw his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. Karl mumbled before starting, "We need to talk."
"Yeah." Sapnap choked a laugh.
"So im getting the feeling you're mad at me." Karl begun, although this sounded more like a question.

"I'm not mad at you Karl.. I'm just hurt I guess." Sapnap sighed. "You havent sat at our table all day, I've missed you. And out of all people you sit with Tommy?"
"Sapnap I've been here for two days!" Karl shouted. "Whatever's gone on with you and Tommy I don't know it! How am I supposed to know who you hate if you don't tell me?! And it's like Tommy said, you don't own me."

"I never said I owned you.." Sapnap muttered to Karl, he really didn't want to argue with this specific boy. If anything, he wanted to kiss him.
"I know... and I know why you're upset. And I'm sorry for not seeing you today, I've missed you too Sapy. I just wanted to make other friends because I don't want to rely on you guys all the time!" Karl explained, placing a hand on Sapnap's cheek and leaning in slightly. "Can you forgive me? I'm really sorry, honestly."

Sapnap smiled, and it was a genuine one. He pulled Karl close and kissed him on the lips quickly. It was only a peck, but it was enough. "I forgive you." He mumbled, pulling him in again and kissing him one more time. Their lips moved together like two puzzle pieces perfect for eachother. Karl was smiling against the kiss and it was obvious to the other boy, which only made him happier.

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