Chapter Eight.

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Karl scrunched his face up when he heard his alarm sound loudly. It was a new day, Wednesday. Thinking about it the day, made Karl wonder what happened on weekends in a boarding school. He had only ever been to normal schools so he didn't know what to expect. He made a mental note to ask Sapnap when he could later on in the day.

He forced his tired body out of bed and messily got dressed into the first outfit he saw. He threw on a black hoodie with some brown cargos and then his black vans. He didn't bother brushing his hair he just ruffled it around a bit so it was suitable.

Then he brushed his teeth and picked up his timetable, reading through it thoroughly. Today he started the day with English, then History, after that followed Maths and then German and finally, his day would finish with Geography.

The class Karl was most excited for was definitely German. He had always wanted to learn a new language but could never find the time with everything that was happening at home. But in this place, he had all the time in the world. All he needed was some encouragement.

He exited his dorm and unfortunately Sapnap was nowhere in sight. He was kinda used to him being there now, but maybe he didn't want to see Karl this morning. After all, they did share their First kiss last night. But when they went to dinner afterwards, everything was fine. Yes, after dinner Sapnap went straight to his room but he said he was tired. Thats totally normal, isn't it?

Karl was spiralling and he new it. Sapnap was probably just tired and needed sleep. Surely if something was wrong, he would tell Karl.

He made his way down to the cafeteria and looked around the room. He saw Sapnap sitting at his usual table with Dream and Quackity and today there was another person. He was tall with brown fluffy hair and a brown beanie. As Karl studied the boy more, he realised he recognised him from somewhere. He was in Karl's art class. Although yesterday he was wearing some big circle glasses that he wasn't today.

Karl was about to walk over to the table when he felt someone tapping his shoulder. He turned around to see a smaller boy with dark brown hair and dark blue overalls smiling at him.
"Hi! You're new right?" He said and Karl only nodded in response.

"I saw you in my English class yesterday and I knew you were! Do you want to come sit with my friends at our table?" He invited Karl and the boy found himself not wanting to say no. As much as he wanted to sit with Sapnap and the others, it wouldn't hurt anyone for Karl to make a few new friends too.
"Sure!" He smiled, but he couldn't help but feel a certain someones eyes on him as he walked away, but Karl forced himself to not look.

He followed the boy over to his table, and could see two other boys already sat down. The boy in the overalls sat down opposite the other two and then Karl sat beside him.
"Wait have i even told you my name?" He smiled.
"No." Karl laughed.
"Oh! Well I'm Tubbo, and thats Tommy and Ranboo." Tubbo introduced himself and his two friends.

Ranboo, a very tall brunette looked up from his black iPhone X and smiled at me, "Nice to meet you!" And Karl smiled back silently. Then Tommy looked at me and said, "Hey are you new?" "Yeah, my names Karl." I grinned.

Tommy had fluffy blonde hair and was wearing a red and white shirt with dark blue jeans. Karl smiled at the three boys who he could now call his new friends.
"So what do you guys have first?" Tubbo asked.
"Me and Karl have English, right?" "Yeah we do." Karl responded to Tubbo after listening to what the other two had.

A tap was felt on Karl's shoulder which made him turn around.
"Karl." Sapnap's voice sounded and Karl suddenly went pink. Why was he standing so close..? Karl stood up infront of Sapnap with his eyes wide.

"Sapnap?" Tommy asked. "What the fuck are you doing here?" His tone was very hostile and Karl couldn't help but wonder why.
"Piss of Tommy I'm not here for you." Sapnap spat, holding Karl's arm. "Why are you sitting with these?"
"Tubbo invited me." Karl mumbled, looking at the floor.

Sapnap grabbed Karl's chin and lifted it up to face him, "Come with me." He whispered.
"Sapnap..." Karl was so flustered he could barely speak, but he knew Sapnap would regret getting so close to Karl in public. Sapnap snapped out of it and released Karl's chin from his grasp.

He spared a glance over to Tubbo who was staring at them with a raised brow. He definitely knew something was up.
"Please?" Sapnap asked, begging Karl to come with him instead of these lot.
"Fuck off Sapnap he wants to stay with us. You don't own him."
"For the last time Tommy, I'm not here for you. Fucking prick." Sapnap pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Are you coming or not Karl?"

Karl's eyes bounced between sapnap and the other three boys, his new friends. If he left with Sapnap, it'd leave a Bad Impression and Karl didn't want to ruin his friendship with these people. Whatever has gone on in the past with Sapnap and them, Karl wants no part in it and he was sure of that.

"I'm just gonna stay here for now Sapnap. I-I'll come catch you later, okay?" And by this moment Sapnap didnt care about Tommy, Tubbo or Ranboo. His eyes stayed on Karl.
"Is this about last night?" He mumbled, but Tubbo obviously heard.
"No! No it's not. Sapnap please I'm just trying to make friends." Karl grabbed onto Sap's hand and replied, showing Sapnap that he was being honest.

The boy didn't respond to Karl after that, he just silently nodded and walked away. And Karl couldn't help but wonder if he was unintentionally pushing Sapnap away.

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