Scenario: The demon brothers turn into bebes

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The demon brothers turn into bebes because of Solomon's messed up spell. All of the brothers are 2 feet tall and can only speak baby jibberish. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek.

Lucifer: He's best boi- I've never thought I would ever say that in my life.😳 He's the most well behaved baby and absolutely loves you. Now that he's a baby, he can't do paperwork and stuff anymore, so he'll just watch Cocomelon. And he'd probably get bothered by his brothers. Him and Mammon fought over who you were going to hold and Luci obviously won. If he needs to be taken care of, he'll refuse to cry. When Diavolo comes over after school he's going  to faint and he's gonna steal Lucifer after. Solomon will try to make a pact will Luci and fail miserably.

Mammon: He'll hold your leg, and won't let go. He'll definitely scrape his knee and start crying. He'll check his pocket and find his credit card and think, Shiny square. Even though it's a rectangle. Lucifer will take Goldie, and Mammon will start crying, and you'll take the credit card from Lucifer and give it back to Mams.

Leviathan: You'll have to convince him to leave his room to eat. He can't see Henry anymore because he's too short, he'll be sad now. He won't watch anything not anime, so you'll put Ruri chan on his tv and he'll stand in front of it, dancing. If you strap him in a stroller and take him anywhere but Akuzon he'll frown, and refuse to eat later. He'd probably start a fight with Mammon, like usual.

Satan: He's too smart. He saw a cat in an alleyway, unstrapped himself from the stroller, and ran after the cat. You got him back though. He'd force you to read books to him. And now it's picture time, you line up all the brothers and take pictures of them, and with them. You place Satan by Lucifer, it's over, Satan's going to use this to his advantage and hit Lucifer in the back of the head. Lucifer sparing Satan's life will slap his hand, and then the both of them are in a slapping hand fight.

Asmodeus: He's so coot! He's a bit confused but he'll try putting makeup on you and fail, but you'd tell him it's beautiful, like him. You'd show him how to take pictures with your phone and now you have 200+ pictures of baby Asmo in your phone. If you gave him your phone while walking with him in a stroller, he'd still be taking pictures of himself.

☆666 photos added☆

Beelzebub: He's having cereal for breakfast and HOPEFULLY he'll get full quicker that his adult self. He's can't get much from the fridge because he's so short but he'll balance Belphie's feet in his hands so Belphie can reach the freezer. He'd hug Belphie every 10 minutes or less because he thinks his little brother is adorable.

Belphegor: A random demon would try to talk to him from his stroller and he'd spit on them. When Solomon came over he shoved his hand in Solomon's face, aka talk to the hand without words. His cow pillow is now the same height as him, so now he's continuously falling because his pillow is blocking his view and cuz he's a sleepy bebe, he's basically dragging his tiny legs, and then falls on his pillow, and then gets up again. It was adorable and funny to watch for a while but then you had to make him hold his pillow horizontally.

Bye bye.🤗

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