"Scarlett, come on. Get back in the water." He pouts but I can tell he's holding back a laugh, "how do you expect me to show you how to surf when you're all the way over there?"

"I don't expect you to show me anything, Tyler. I've had a long day at work and all I want to do is go home and soak in a bath. Is that too much to ask for? I don't even have a bathing suit!"

He looks at me from head to toe. An involuntary shiver jolts up my spine. "That didn't stop you before," he reminds me.

My body tells me to stay. Let him devour me with his eyes again. Feel the familiar racing of my heart that kickstarts every time we're near. But my head wins the battle. I spin on my heels and march further away from him.

"No, Phoenix. I was joking. Look, I got you this." He's out of the water and holding up a black piece of material. He grips it with two hands so I can see what it is. A bathing suit. "See, you don't have to surf in your underwear. Come back in the water."

I try to stay mad. I really do. But the crease between his brows, the pout on his lips, and the slump of his shoulders are just too much. When the corners of my mouth start to turn up, I do my best not to let them but it's too late. He can already see that he's won me over.

He throws the bathing suit at me. "Put it on."

Two minutes later, I'm back in the water. Voluntarily this time. A tattered surfboard floats on the surface in front of us. I'm on one side. Tyler's on the other. His stare makes me nervous, and I hook my fingers under the straps of the bathing suit, tugging them gently.

"How'd you know what size I was?" I ask.

He holds the board steady with one hand and pushes his hair out his face with the other. A few droplets get caught in his lashes, but he wipes them away. He shrugs nonchalantly. "I have a sister around your age."

"You do?"

"Yeah, now quit stalling and get on the board," he demands.

Not knowing he has a sister really puts things into perspective. This boy. The one with the blue eyes I so easily let myself get lost in and the freckles I want to sit and count all day and the cheeky grin that I just can't seem to get out of my head. He's still a mystery to me. I know he can surf. I know he likes pancakes. I even know he likes putting his socks back on when there's still sand between his toes. But I don't know any of the real stuff. How old is his sister? Are his parents married or divorced? When's his birthday? It's like we've skipped the part where we get to know each other.

"Do you need help or are you just going to stand there gawking at me all day?"

I roll my eyes. "I think I can manage on my own."

My hands grip onto the side as I lift myself.

Tyler holds his hands up in surrender with an evil glint in his eyes. And for a moment I'm wobbling. The water clawing at my legs, threatening to pull me under. I scramble all the way on the board to keep my balance. A squeal escapes my lips.

"I've got you. I've got you," he says. He holds the board steady, pressing his lips together to contain his laughter.

"You're a moron, you know that?" Despite my words, a smile threatens to break out across my face. It feels good to act like a kid again. "Teach me how to surf before I change my mind."

"Aye, aye, captain."

After what feels like hundreds of failed attempts at trying to stand up, we switch to something easier. Tyler tells me it's the wind knocking me down. That it's nothing to do with how bad I am. I know he's lying but my heart still warms at his attempt to convince me I'm not half as bad as I know I am.

"This time just lay down on the board," he says.

I do as he says. His gaze meets mine and flutters burst in my stomach. With his free hand, he wraps his fingers around my ankle. Even though I'm floating on top of the water I feel like I'm beneath it. There's no air. His eyes stay on mine- giving no emotion away. My heart is already racing, and my palms are sweaty. How can they even feel sweaty when they're wet?

He pushes my leg away.

"Feet together," he states.

"Oh," I stutter. His hand no longer on my skin. It takes all my restraint not to ask him to touch me again. "Right, feet together. I knew that."

"Of course, you did, Phoenix." He smirks.

I avert my eyes and clear my throat. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest, I wouldn't be surprised if he could feel it echoing through the board. "What do I do next?"

"Just push yourself forward through the water. It's one of the first things the kids learn at summer camp so you should be able to do it."

"Oh, ha-ha." I glare.

"Don't look at me. Look in front of you or else you'll tip over."

The sudden urge to strangle him overcomes me but I ignore it. I lick my lips and look out towards the shore. From here, the people walking on the sand look so small. If I reached out, I'd be able to cover them with the tip of my finger. I let my arms dangle off the edge of the board and push myself forward. As if I was swimming without kicking my legs. The water weaves through my fingers and I'm moving. Tyler hollers behind me.

"Go, Phoenix!" He yells.

Laughter bubbles in my chest. My head turns on its own accord to look back at him. He's pumping his fist in the air. For a second, I feel free. With the water beneath me. The sun shining down on my back. The feeling doesn't last long though.

I made a mistake turning around.

The board tips and I slide off the edge. With my hands still clinging desperately to the side, it flips. A searing pain slices through my calf. Lightheadedness pulls me into its grasp and nausea fills my throat. I try to find the source of the pain through the water but all I can see is a thick, red cloud growing around me. Blood. Lots and lots of blood.

The world turns to darkness.

Delicate ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now