Chapter 7

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I was awoken by calloused hands shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and realized that my feet where under Kieran thigh and I was basically lying on Ryan lap. Ryan was the one shaking me awake.

I felt just the tips of my ears burn in embarrassment and looked out of the window to see where where at a large mountain, forest area

"Sorry to wake you cupcake but we're hiking from here, hope you packed your hiking shoes ." Kieran said with a teeny tiny smile. I noticed that he doesn't actually smile alot so this was a rare scene.

I climbed out of the car after he said that and stood outside. My face towards the sun and my eyes closed . It felt so good to truly be in nature .

Ryan stood behind me in all his glory with a small black bag in his hands ,holding it towards me with a lopsided grin. I guessed I would be carrying that.

"You'll have to at least carry something cupcake and I thought the food would be the lightest." He answerd . Looks like I guessed right .

I slung the bag around my right shoulder and turned around to see both they guys with bigger bags on their backs . I can't even think of what might be inside of them .

"Alright I suggest we get going , it won't take us to long it's only like a day hike but I want to be half way by night fall." Kieran easily told us what to do

We started walking and I let my mind either wander or go completely blank. While walking I looked at the forest we where walking in , it was absolutely beautiful.  There were so many colorful birds in the trees . The area we were walking in was very wet and green , almost like the Amazon, I didnt even know of this forest .

There was a small almost invisible path that we were walking on but we did go off that path every now and then. It was quit for the most part ,other than the occasional bird noises we didn't speak much.

We had only been walking for four hours and it was now 3pm . My feet were aching and I was so out of breath. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped all those leg days . It really would have paid of now ,I thought .

Neither of the guys looked even remotely tired or out of breath , I didn't want to bother them by asking if we could rest so I did what I do best . I cried inside like a winner .

** time skip 3 hours later **

This . Was. Torture.  I suffered through another 3 hours of continuous walking.  I actually lost feeling to my feet at 4 o'clock but oh well. Kieran finally let us stop .

"I think we came far enough today , we're a little over halfway there, this is a good place to camp for the night." He said

There was, unfortunately,  only one tent so we would all have to share.  There was luckily three sleeping bags .

"I hope one of you know how to make a fire , cause I really don't feel like getting frostbite tonight." I half joked and was half serious. 

"Oh come on cupcake, don't think you'll get cold , you know what they say ." Ryan paused , I think I was supposed to ask what they say . I decided to play along  ," what do they say ?" I asked

"Well , cupcake,  they say body heat is the best kind of heat . I'll be generous and ly real close to you tonight." He replied, looking so smug . I know he was joking , Ryan would never do something to hurt me, he was just a big flirt.

"Have you no faith in us ,do you really think we'll bring you the whole way out here just to let you freeze to death." To my surprise it was Kieran who said that not Ryan. 

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