chapter 2

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I stared at him in complete shock not really knowing what to say.

"What are we gonna do and what's your name? My name is Elizabeth but you can call me Beth or liz " I said

"I'm not sure yet but we'll figure it out and my name is Kieran." He said

We were both just standing there when we heard the rumble of a motorcycle and saw a guy about our age with blonde hair and green eyes driving towards the police station. He jumped off and sprinted in a few moments later we heard yelling and decided to go inside to see what was happening.

"I'm telling you that I do exist, how can someone not exist you idiot!" The guy from the motorcycle yelled furiously

"Sir I'm gonna need you to leave or we will use force ." The police officer that also helped me said

Blondie started walking out when I whisperd to Kieran, "He is like us we should talk to him."

I dont know how but blondie heard me and turned to us looking confused. "What do you mean ?"

"Well you see we also apparently dont exist and we have no idea why so I think we have to work together to figure this out and see if we can fix it,I'm Kieran and that is Elizabeth." Kieran explained. I gave a small wave

"Oh uh... my name is kai and I think I might have an idea to figure this whole thing out. " he said calmer now then before.

"What's your idea kai?" I asked starting to get hopeful thinking there could be a way to fix this whole mess.

"I think we can hold this off until the morning you guys can crash at my place I live alone and the place is big so..." Ryan trailed off awkwardly

"Ok sure I'll follow you and Kieran can ride with me" I said

Ryan got on his bike and Kieran got into my car, kieran said he walked here and that his truck was still at his house . While I was driving I couldn't help thinking how strange this all was I mean a few hours ago I was laughing with my family around the dinner table and now they dont know I exist. I met two handsome strangers I'm gonna be sleeping at his house. Never in a million years did I think this would happen.

We soon arrived at Ryan's apartment. We walked inside and I looked around. Thus place was amazing , it was so vintage.

"Um... how old are you two ?" I asked

"I am nineteen " said Kieran

"I am also nineteen,how old are you?" Ryan asked

"I'm eighteen."

"Ok so what is your plan on figuring this out blondie?" I asked chuckling at the nickname I gave him.

He gave me a a small smile "really blondie? Well then I can call you cupcake, but I have I hacker friend and he can hack anything so he can see who deleted all our stuff ." He said giving me a wink

"Ok when can we go and see him?" Kieran asked glaring at Ryan for an unknown reason.

"We can only go and see him in the morning so I suggest you get some sleep, cupcake you can take my bed I'll take the couch and you,"he said pointing to Kieran,"can sleep in the guest room."

Kieran got and went but not before saying goodnight to me. I dont know why but I kinda felt drawn to these two guys but I decided to push those thoughts to the way back of my mind.

"Hey,cupcake, you can borrow one of my shirts and there are clean toothbrushes in the bathroom, just yell if you need anything." He said

I silently made my way to the bathroom after kai gave me one of his grey ACDC shirts. After I did all I needed to I put on the shirt , it hung down to just above my knees.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see kai waiting for me. He froze once he saw me his eyes trailing down my whole body .

"Sorry I didnt mean to stare it's just that you look cute in the shirt ." He said kind of embarrassed

"Oh um...thank you it's really comfy." I said awkwardly

" bedroom is this way." He said leading me to his bedroom

Once we were there I was surprised to see how neat his room was it all blacks and greys and looked very modern

"Goodnight cupcake I hope you sleep well I see you tomorrow." He said and closed the door

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out

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