Chapter 11: Amature

Start from the beginning

He heard a soft virring sound behind him, Ryan felt a sharp pain behind his back and stopped dead in his tracks. Two daggers found a place on Ryan's back, stabbing him.

Ryan turned back to face her, she stared at her, dead in the eye, her eyes wandered around as she gave a satisfactory smirk. Ryan fell to his knees.

"Don't be so happy," he said in a husky voice as he coughed out some blood. "I'll be back," He said reaching out for a dagger.

"You'll never find me again, if you did," She paused "You have no chance of fighting me," She smirked. She turned her back to Ryan. "You're an amateur," 

Ryan yanked the dagger from his back and threw it with all his might toward the woman.

It flew like an arrow finding a spot to land on her back, but lost momentum as it reached her and found a spot on her ankle.

"HRRG," She screamed as the knife landed, "Shit," She bent down and plucked the knife from her ankle. "Bad aim," she commented as she limped towards the fog which was forming out of nowhere.

Ryan lost balance and fell face-first on the ground, his face met the dirt, he inhaled sharply smelling the moist dirt. He was beginning to lose consciousness. Bye-bye $18.25, He thought. Hope he dies soon so he could respawn again.

He felt some leaves rustling near him. Is she back? A small hand touched his face.

"You okay?" A distinct voice spoke up.

The girl, she's back. What the fuck is she doing here. Ryan intended to say 'Go' but it never came out the right way from his mouth. He was speaking gibberish.

"I'll get help!" She exclaimed as she ran to get help.

'No, no, leave me alone, I'll be okay' Ryan intended to say but failed. He couldn't even open his eyes

Ryan tried getting up, but darkness surrounded him, he blacked out.

All the pain left his body,

"You were like a day in and you already died," The old man commented.

Great. Him again. Ryan opened his eyes and got on his feet again.

"It's been 2 days for your kind information," Ryan said scanning his back for injuries. He could feel nothing, not even a scar.

"Awesome," Ryan murmured touching his head.

"Awesome indeed," The man said.

"Am I losing my money?" Ryan asked.

"I'm pretty sure I've started the rules,"

"Is that a yes or a no?" Ryan asked frustratedly

"Yes, you'll be only left with a penny, again," The old man said.

"I thought I told you not to die," the old man continued

"What were you doing? Drinking a coffee? I was saving a good damned child," Ryan said angrily.

"When did you start caring about people who are not named Rhan Trahan?" The old man asked jokingly.

"Get me back, Open the thing,"

"As you wish," The old man opens up a portal.

"Don't make land face first," Ryan said bracing for impact. "I'm done getting my ass kicked for today,"

"Fine, I won't," The old man said as the portal sucks Ryan in.

Never believe an old man who fucked your life up by sending you another damned universe to battle demons with nothing but a penny.

Ryan landed face-first at the same place he was bathing in his own blood a second ago. Ryan got up back on his feet cursing under his breath. He stumbled to the lake.

He was processing everything which happened over the last few minutes, scary woman, child, daggers, death. He managed to get to the place where he had his burger, surprisingly enough it was still there, along with his bike. So he was right. The stuff he buys on earth can't be reset.

"You're okay!" A girl squealed.

He looked around for her, she emerged from a bush, running towards him.

"Yea... And you? Are you fine?" Ryan asked as she jumped on Ryan embracing him.

"Looks like you're alright to me," Ryan said. She looked pretty fazed, who could blame her? She's a 9-year-old girl who was on the brink of death a few minutes ago. "What's your name?"

"Layla," She said clenching on Ryan.

"It's okay," he comforted her "Let's get you back home, Who are your parents?" Ryan inquired.

"My father's name is Vincent Alfredo," She said. Alfredo? Where has he heard that before?

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