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Not that August had been looking forward to meeting his kind after ten years, but it surely soured his mood. The meeting ended up lasting the entire and and only finished at the time of sunrise. The first thing he did was drive himself home, probably breaking thirty different traffic laws.

He softens a little, at the sight of his love curled up on the divan perched in front of aquarium. Ria is picked up while sleeping and carried into the master bedroom. August kisses her cheek and tiptoes into his sons room to pick him up too. He quickly changes into grey sweatpants. Once they're both settled in his bed, August gets under the duvet too.

He stares at the two peacefully sleeping babies on his bed and smiles. August has always thought himself as greedy. No matter how much he already has, he wants more. More money, more power, more authority. His desires always fueled up by his inner fire and they are what has kept the demon going for so long. What was once upon a century his hunger for more acres of land and horses, developed to his addiction of sports car as time passed.

Now, he thinks, he's content. He's fulfilled. Because, he's loved. By the two things he could've never bought with money. And now he's learned what love is, knows how to love. Knows how fulfilling it is to bring a smile on their faces and hear them chat in the background as he cooks for them.

The hunger for power has died a long time ago.

He's tired from the meeting and that one tender moment before he allows his subconscious to take over, his mind plays back to that one moment he shared with his brother at the meeting. It had all been wrapped up and farewells were being exchanged when August felt Lucifer getting a hold of his arm. He cocked up an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"When do you go back?"


Lucifer smiles. "Great. Let's go to the Disneyland today."

"You're a grown ass man who's lived for centuries." August deadpanned.

"And your head is in the clouds if you think I wanted to go to that park with your sour-ass. It's for Aaron. The park has been booked exclusively for us, I'll see you there at twelve brother."

A brother. Lucifer was horrible at that job, if August recalls correct. But, an uncle? He deserves a shot at that, doesn't he? Aaron deserves it too. To have a family member he can remember with love. When August thinks of his family, he wants to go on a murder spree.

Aaron is over the moon, he runs around the house butt naked with a distressed Ria chasing after him with his shorts. August who was quietly enjoying his morning coffee sighed.

"You get your ass here right Aaron!"

"I'm Swimba!"

"You don't have to be naked for that!" She yells as Aaron jumps over the couch.

"But Swimba is nakey!"

"You are a demon baby who spits fire!"

Aaron shrieks with laughter and it even draws out a loving smile on her face too but the chasing has been going on for long enough now, according to the daddy demon.

"Alright, that's enough." He says and lifts his son up in the air where he bursts into another fit of giggle. Ria stares horrified as Aaron floats in the air but hurriedly dresses him up. In matching shirts with his dad that she shopped for prior this trip. And they look adorable!

"Ria will you stop taking pictures of us from every single angle? You've been at it for the last 20 minutes." August says tiredly, with a hint of annoyance. Ria conveniently ignores him. "Aaron! Smile my baby!"

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