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From the day that Ria walked into their house, Aaron has been the sole receiver of her affections and never ending amount of kisses. So when one day, one of August's devil friends comes over for work and happened to bring his little nephew with him too, that is when the three year old first time experiences mid life crisis.

Sebastian who has known about the human babysitter since her first days of employment, hoped she would take care of his nephew too while August and he worked on something.

More babies? Ria was ecstatic.

When little baby Sky walked in, clutching to his uncle, she bent down to his level and greeted him. "Hello! Nice to meet you Sky, would you like some cookies?"

Aaron gasped. How could she? When cookies are his favorite?

She gave the little boy his cookies. Aaron was fuming to himself as he played with his toy robot. This was the shittiest Saturday of his life.

He lost his Riri, lost his cookies all to this little boy. Then Ria even had the absurd idea to give Sky his toys. Aaron had just enough. He grabs his robot toy by his neck, drags it to the courtyard with him as he sits outside. Riri forgot him.

Who needs Riri anyway?

"You're so cute!" Ria coos in the background. The toy breaks in Aaron's clutch.

While Ria had been oblivious to Aaron's midlife crisis, it didn't skip the watchful eyes of his father. August sighs. He should've prepared for his kids firsts, all of them. Even his first tantrum.

He quietly makes his way to the courtyard where Aaron is siting with his tiny fists clenched. "Baby?"

The boy blinks up at his dad.

"Are you okay?"

All he gets is a very cold "yes" in reply. Sighing, he takes a seat beside his boy. "Then why are you sulking?"

"Am nawt."

"You sure?"


August fights the smile off his face. "So you're not upset about the lack of attention from Ria?"

There's a sniffling sound. "Its oki. Am not her favorite anymwore."

"I don't think it's true."

"It is, dwaddy. Riri didn't gimme kissy."


Aaron blinks up at his dad, nodding in agreement. He nods down at his son. "Why don't we ask Ria if you're still her favorite?"

Aaron is shaking his head vigorously but August has already shouted her name. Ria quickly makes her way to them.

"Hello you two!"

"Tell us Ria, is it true? Is Aaron not your favorite anymore?" 

Ria falls to her knees. Dramatic kids, both of them. They deserve each other.


"Well Aaron here thinks.."

"Never in a million years! Aaron is my baby! He's my all time favorite person in the world." Ria is getting all teary. "Aaron, look at me. Please? Who told you that my angel? I love you so much my baby."

Aaron blinks. "Really?"

"Yes yes!" She's nodding so quickly, August is afraid of her neck snapping. "I love you the most!"

"Even mwore than him?"

"Him? Who?" She inquires. The boy points at the intruder calmly playing with a teddy. "Sky? No of course not baby! I love you more than him."

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