«Hardly» the other simply said, crossing his arms «Also, Felix knew»

«You can't keep things from Felix!» Jisung protested «Just look at him! It's physically impossible to lie to an angel»

«Felix is a minx, don't even lie» Seungmin noted, still fairly deadpan.

«Hey!» the blond protested, the hint of a giggle in his voice.

«Alright, whatever, Felix is an angel» Hyunjin relented, starting to take out the food from the bags «Let's just dig in, buying everything and having Seungmin tell me I can't even take a sip of the boba should be considered a war crime»

«We're not even at war» Seungmin smartly pointed out.

«Aren't we really?» Felix joked, opening a box of ramen, careful not to spill the soup.

Maybe if they had just gotten McDonald's it would have been less messy, but he still happily dug in, not before having clinked his chopsticks with the others'. Even though it was going to be a very hard day, mentally, hanging out with his friends always made Felix feel amazing and rather relaxed, just happy to be there and get to cuddle with the nearest human being who surely wouldn't shrug him off.

For a bit, they chatted about silly and normal things, such as classes and stuff that happened in them, the most dramatic events coming, of course, from Hyunjin, who still had a knack for gossip even at university.

«And so the girl totally jerked him off right as the professor was explaining stuff and almost no one noticed» he finished narrating to them, waving his chopsticks around «I'm telling you, totally wild, I don't know how the guy managed to keep it cool enough to not get caught»

«But they did get caught if someone told you» Seungmin pointed out «I bet it was Soojin»

Hyunjin snorted, indignant «Bold of you to assume I still talk to Choi Soojin»

«Well don't you?» Felix asked, lifting one eyebrow.

«I do not» he denied firmly, even though everyone knew it was a lie, especially due to his squeaky tone.

«I barely come to university and even I know you two are always all over each other!» Jisung exclaimed, pointing his chopsticks at him.

«Bullshit» Hyunjin cut short, filling his mouth with ramen.

Felix was going to throw a party the day his friend would have finally cut his bullshit short and started dating Soojin. Truly, he didn't know what was keeping them from not dating, since they clearly were into the other and had a knack for more or less the same things. He was just about to tell Hyunjin when Seungmin spoke up, his words making both him and Jisung tense up.

«Yeah, about that» he hummed, turning towards Jisung «How come you're rarely to class Jisung? Where do you have to be every day? Not that I don't enjoy this get-together... I just have a feeling that you have something to tell» he said, ever the observer.

Jisung sighed, glanced at the blond for split a second and then put down his half-finished meal, keeping his eyes on the blanket while playing with the hem of his thin hoodie. Seungmin stopped with a chicken leg mid-air at the action, his eyebrow shooting up to his hairline while Hyunjin deadpanned, dropping his chopsticks in his tteokbokki. Felix tried his best to look surprised as well, quirking an eyebrow in Jisung's direction.

«Really now? Again?» Hyunjin questioned, sounding fairly done but not accusing «What is it this time?»

«I promise this is something fairly new!» Jisung immediately sworn, looking at him in the eyes «I just... really had to be sure before telling, you know»

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