
The raging anticipation didn't let him sleep that much, but it was enough. Once the flight attendant announced that they were finally going to fly over Sydney in ten minutes, Felix had already been pressing his nose on the window for a solid half an hour, taking in whatever he could see from that height. He had witnessed the sunset from above the clouds and it had been a spectacular view, such a beautiful scenery that his phone hadn't been able to fully register, but he had nevertheless sent it to Chan, his squad, Soojin and his other close friends, who were all most likely still soundly asleep. Now, as Sydney started to become more clear in the distance, a delighted scream threatened to leave his mouth as for how much excited he was. His mother caressed his arm, silently asking him to be a little bit more patient. It was hard, but he sat still, watching as his city unfolded below him, with all its buildings, parks and streets, things that had made his childhood.

And finally, finally, they landed safely. Felix basically sprinted out of the plane after retrieving his backpack and made his way through the busy airport, leaving his family behind. He knew it was kind of rude of him, not even retrieving his luggage, but he simply had to breathe the Australian air as soon as possible, he couldn't take it anymore. Finally, the automatic doors stood in front of him and opened, welcoming him back home. He took some steps outside, his body a windwheel of emotions, and he inhaled deeply. He didn't care that it wasn't clean air, that he was smelling all sorts of bad stuff, it was still Australian. Exhaling, a tear escaped from the corner of his eye, but he didn't even bother to dry it up as he looked around, taking in whatever he could see. Heat was curling up around him and made him take off his hoodie, which wasn't needed anymore since it was summer there.

Little time after, his family finally joined him, his father scolding him for running off like that, but not even that could tear away the big smile he had on his face. Since they didn't have a car anymore in Australia, they went up and rented one from near the airport, quickly placing the luggages in the trunk as soon as they were done with the procedures.

As his father drove them home, again Felix took in whatever he could see, keeping his face out of the window, that he had rolled down as soon as they had gotten on the road. The air was hot, humid, typically Australian, and he could smell the ocean in it. Finally he would have been able to surf on real, big waves. He could hear voices from passersby when they were stopped at a traffic light, their accents thick and so achingly familiar that almost made him tear up again. And then, when the landscape became more open as they drove through the outskirts of Sydney and finally their old house came into sight, he really teared up again, a few tears escaping and rolling down his cheeks. Luckily, even if someone noticed, no one said anything, as they all felt the same.

Flopping down on his own bed felt like a dream. Sure, the sheets smelled anonymously, as the nice lady who lived next door and had taken care of the house in the past years had taken everything to the laundromat when they had told her they were going to come home, but it was still his bed, his room, his house, his city, his fatherland.

Without him even noticing, he fell asleep just like that.


«Felix, mate, I almost didn't recognize you!» one of his old Australian friends cried out, crushing him into a hug.

The blond giggled loudly as he accepted it, albeit stumbling backwards due to the momentum. After a whole day of jet-lag recovery and other stuff, he had finally managed to get out of the house and meet his friends, which was one of the things he had looked out the most for.

«Hey Noah, glad to see you man, it's been like forever!» he exclaimed back, happy.

«You tell me!» the other snorted, letting him go, a playful smile on his lips.

The English Teacher /Chanlix/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat