«A while, you know I don't sleep much Lixie» Chan replied in the same way, voice deep thanks to the good sleep.

«Lixie?» the blond inquired, lifting his head up to look at the other, grinning.

The man smiled back down at him «I'm still sleepy, been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past like five hours, it's not great for your body, you know»

«Poor excuses» the boy pouted jokingly.

Chan bent down a little, leaving a peck on the other's lips «Whatever you say chick»

«I like it»

«'Course you do»

Felix stuck his tongue out «Self-centered»

«Who? Me? Oh I'll show you how self-centered I am»

Without any warning, Chan stuck his hands into Felix's sides, starting to tickle him mercilessly. Felix was too ticklish for his own good and so after just a couple of seconds he was already laughing loudly, desperately trying to get out of the man's hold.

«Channie... Channie stop it- it tickles!» he tried to say between one laugh and the other, but the other didn't listen to one bit.

The blond let out a little scream when he moved his fingers to his belly, one still on his side.

«Channie!» he exclaimed, tears threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes because of how much he was laughing.

They ended up rolling in bed, one trying to escape from the blissful torture and the other holding onto him. After what seemed like hours to Felix, the tickling stopped and he finally opened his eyes, finding Chan on top of him, his hands pinned at the sides of his head.

«Hey» he said softly, completely out of breath, pulling the other down.

«Hey yourself» Chan rejoiced, happily complying with the slow and tender kiss, morning breath to hell «Morning Lix»

«Morning Channie»

Chan laid back down, pulling Felix close to him by the waist «How are you feeling today, better?»

As the man voiced those words, all that had happened the day before came back to the blond, who, by reflex, snuggled even closer, hands running up to the other, eager for more contact, just to be sure that he wasn't dreaming and Chan was still there, that they were still ok.

«Better» he confirmed nevertheless «I'm still a lot concerned though, I don't know what to do now»

«Well, I'll tell you what we do now: eat some breakfast, yeah? I'm kinda hungry to be honest» Chan grinned, starting to lift himself up.

Felix grabbed his arm, stopping him «Chan you know what I mean»

The man sighed and reached down to plant a kiss on the other's forehead «I know, but there's no use in lingering on what could've happened, nor on the parting ways topic, we already agreed that we won't»

«Yes, but still, what are we gonna do now? Like, on Monday... come on, you know what I mean»

«We'll keep it down, at best, I sincerely don't know what else we can do»

Felix lowered his eyes «Alright»

Chan sighed again, cupping his cheeks and turning his head up again «Lix if you wanna talk more in depth about it we can, I'm here to do so, but I don't think it's the right thing to do. Lingering on bad thoughts... listen, it's never a great thing, I've been there enough, worst period of my life»

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