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The key for dialogue:




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(I apologise in advance.. I'm not the greatest of story-tellers)

March 12th 2023, Somewhere in the middle of Seoul, South Korea...

In a restaurant in downtown Gangnam, a large group of men in business suits can be seen sitting together, eating and discussing things. They sit there for about an hour talking before two men that look like the heads of both sides get up and shake hands, smiling at one another.

A few orders are given out, before the groups part ways.


CJ EMN building suddenly becomes massively active in the next few months. Reporters for many agencies start to dig but are unable to find anything unusual.


February 4th 2024, CJ EMN building, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Reporters suddenly witness a group of men in business suits pull up and enter the CJ ENM building. They don't stop and move in fast. No photos were able to be taken as everyone was taken off guard.

Inside the building:

"Ok, so now that everything has been sorted between Bumjin Suh, Soojin Chung, and me for the deal, we can get started on the preparations" a suited man at the head of the meeting table states.

"Of course Sir" an assistant replies.

"How are the negotiations going with the police and writers?"

"We have finished negotiating with the police and have come to an agreement. They will be monitoring all results and there will be 24-hour surveillance of anything regarding the show. They wish to screen all participants and staff as well. They have stated that they will not allow any messing around this time, if we managed to stay clean then they will lower their supervision if we want to do it again. The writers are working double-time to get everything prepared soon so we can begin set production and casting. They should be done in about a month" a second assistant reports.

"Excellent, and how is our media blackout going?"

"Everything is quiet sir. We are moving fast enough to evade it most of the time. We have maintained perfect secrecy and all staff members that are aware of the current operation are trustworthy and remain silent." The assistant reports again.

"Excellent, let's keep it that way. We want this to be a huge surprise!"

"ok, finally. What is the status of our potential cast for the show?"

"We are beginning to call out to all potential cast on the list. If we can't get any on the list we will use the backups. Are there any more suggestions for a potential cast member that we could get Sir?"

"I have a couple in mind. This is for the MC!" The boss states.

Another half an hour passes before everyone gets up and departs. The big group that had arrived early suddenly rush out the door and into the waiting cars, before any photos can be taken. No one knows who they are except for those that were in the meeting.


March 2nd 2024, somewhere in Seoul.

A man in a black mask and cap is walking down the street after visiting the convenience store. His phone starts to ring and he picks it up and answers the call.

"What can I help you with PD-nim?" the man asks.

"Can you come into the company for a bit? You've received a casting call earlier last week, but since you've been on break we decided to wait until now to call you about it."

"Really? Is it for a drama or a movie?"

"Neither, it's to be an MC for a tv show"

"Interesting. I'll come in and hear about the offer, I've never done this before, it seems like fun"

The call ends and the man rushes home to get changed and drive to his company.

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