ronance vs horror movies

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it was a cool autumn's evening, the sun set with the wind blowing calmly, trees swaying gently in the wind. that day at work, robin decided to pick out a horror movie for hers and nancy's weekly movie night, despite the fact she hated jumpscares and gore.

"dont you hate horrors, rob?" nancy asked whilst getting into bed.
"yes, but the plot seemed interesting so we have to watch it," she replied, following nancy.
"im trusting you that this will be worth watching then."

they had started the film and they had gotten to around 20, no jumpscares, one gory scene which involved robin covering her eyes and being comforted by her girlfriend.

30 minutes in, one gory scene, one small jumpscare, it made both of them jump but nancy claimed to flinch because robin did. neither of them knew that was true.

now it was getting... horror-y, you could say.

at this point, robin's head was in the crook of nancy's arm, her arms around nancy's neck because she was scared of getting jumpscared, seeing a creepy face or just blood, blood in general. nancy was slightly laughing because of how scared she was by a film even though it was what she expected to happen.
"everything's gone now, rob," nancy said in a calming tone. robin lifted her head and took in a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air and looked at the tv. she left the safety of nancy's arms as she was getting warm but instead found her girlfriend's hand and intertwined their fingers for a small amount of comfort. they laid in silence for a while, sort of confused why there was no action since they were about half way through the movie now.


there was a completely unexpected jumpscare, them both flinching, squeezing eachother's hands tightly.
"where the heck did he come from??" robin questioned in an angry tone. nancy simply just laughed at her as a response. "no, seriously he just popped out from the abyss and screamed at me!!"
"i think you're getting tired, rob," nancy said.
"yeah.." robin whispered, moving closer to nancy, putting her head on her chest. nancy turned off the film as she was tired too. she moved around a bit, startling robin slightly who then just put her head back on her chest once she was still again.

instead of sleeping they both spoke about random stuff which kind of helped robin as the film had sort of scared her, so once they had decided to sleep she didn't think about it too much.

why is it that i can make my byler oneshots 700 words if it want to but not ronance. at least it's a 400 word count instead of 200 ?? 😕

ib; bitchy-blo0d

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