" Let the games begin "

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School had just ended and y/n was not looking forward to that D&D session.

"Hey y/n over here!" She heard Mike yelling from afar,she waves at him while walking towards him.
"You're here!" Dustin yells looking at Mike with a surprised expression,Mike gives him a weird look . "Yeah,i can see that"

y/n laughs seeing how happy dustin is.

" alright so are we gonna get this party started or what!" She heard a familiar voice say,a familiar voice she despised.

y/n thinks to herself. Eddie is caught off guard by y/ns presence.

"And what are you doing here?" He says in a disgusted tone. "What is she doing here Henderson?" He says while looking at Dustin who looks very confused.

Dustin stutters as he tries to explain what y/n is doing here. " well you told me to find somebody to take Lucas's place and y/n is the only person i know who has played D&D before,i dont see the problem?" He says in utter confusion.

Eddie takes a deep breath then proceeds to put on a fake smile " L/n "
He says through his teeth.
"Munson" y/n says staring him dead in the eye.
"Sooo are we gonna play or not" Dustin says bluntly while clapping his hands.

" let the games begin" Eddie smiles as he walks into the room still looking at y/n.


"YES!" Dustin yells.laughing while him and Mike are lifting y/n up.

"Guys put me down!" Y/n says laughing at how excited they are,but she couldn't lie,she was excited aswell.

"Well played L/n , well played indeed" Eddie said to y/n with a bit of anger pushed into that sentence.

"Thanks Munson" y/n says sarcastically as Mike and Dustin put her down, she dusts off her shirt and grabs her bag ready to walk out.

"Wait y/n!" Henderson yells running up to her, "Are you gonna join us in the next session?" Dustin blurts out.

Y/n looks at Dustin then Eddie, Munsons annoyed look says it all. "I dont know kid,but i think i will pass" she says as she starts to walk away while putting on her headphones.

"What,wait why?! Y/n come on i don't know anyone else who would even want to look at me let alone play D&D with us" Dustin just doesn't get it y/n thinks to herself.

"Fine,I'll continue playing" she says as she gives up trying to run away from Eddie anymore, It will annoy him as much as it will annoy me so it's a win win , y/n thinks to herself.

Eddie turns around and whispers to himself in a low voice "Jesus Christ" as he rubs his forehead.

"High five!" Dustin yells happily at Mike,and Mike gives him one.

"Well see you guys later i guess" y/n waves goodbye at them as she starts walking towards her house(but she needs to go through the forest to get to it)she keeps on walking until she hears footsteps rushing towards her.she stops.

"what the fuck L/n?!" Eddie says to her in a slightly loud voice,staring at her,staring into her eyes.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack you freak" y/n yells back,looking at his eyes. Those gorgeous eyes , she thought to herself but quickly pushed the thought away by walking away from Eddie.But he stops her holding onto her wrist before she got any further.

"Listen we had a deal that me and you WILL never and i mean NEVER get involved with each other again,so why were you there playing D&D with us?!" Eddie says with a stern look on his face.

"listen Munson i am not doing this for you,it's for Henderson so piss off an-

Something cuts y/n off




The two enemies look at each other,terrified.

The dumb one follows the sound,so the other dumb one proceeds to follow.

"That did not sound good" Eddie whispers to himself.

"Yeah no shit sherlock" y/n replies sarcastically,although those screams reminded her of that night. That night ,she thought to herself while walking towards the screams.

Eddie my love.. || Y/n X Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now