-Kara... -[____] grumbled.

I held my tears, to say that I wasn't used to Kara raising her voice at me was an understatement. She could be harsh and violent with anyone, but not with me... she always lashed out to others, not to her girlfriend for god's sake!

-Honestly you just sound jealous of me!

-Are you kidding!? -[____] started losing control and made a superhuman effort to control her temper.

-Why are you acting so selfish when I'm happy? You're horrible, you can't support me, you can't be even a little happy for me! -Kara complained.

-Oh, don't you dare! -[____] exclaimed. -I'm always supporting you! You're so egocentric all the time! -[_____] couldn't even look her in the face, but the rage gave her a fit of insults.

-Since I became Powergirl you have been nothing but a fly in the ointment! -Kara screamed and [____] got even angrier.

-No, you're wrong, since you became Powergirl you also became a good-for-nothing who does nothing but pose, act cocky and just be a shallow and empty pretty face!

-You have always been a good-for-nothing and I never told you nothing for it!

-You don't even believe it! -[____] retored. The human girl's pride was too much to even think in allow Kara to see how much her comments really hurt.

-Yes, I do! And I'm way better superhero than you!

-Kara! You're not even a hero anymore, you're not doing this to protect people, now you're just looking for approval... don't you see? You don't need to... you should listen to the ones that care for you, the people that really matters. -She softened her voice and tried to talk some sense into Kara, [____] put her hands on Kara's arms, staring at her.

-Like who!? You!? -Kara mocked sarcastically and stepped back, freeing herself from [____]'s grip. To [____] this crossed the line.

A lump formed in her throat, but she did her best to form a sentence.

-You better apologize, Kara. -The [color] haired girl warns in a low voice. Kara was able to hear her perfectly.

-And you better get lost. This is over.

-Are you... breaking up with me? -Kara noded.

-I don't need to say it twice, right? -The Kryptonian coldly said.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, Kara was breaking up with her for something really stupid, but of course, the situation hurted even if it was so unreal.

-What...? -She inquired in disbelief, she thought her heart stopped for a second.

-You heard me. -The blonde crossed her arms, her gaze buried "her now ex girlfriend" under a glacier.

Kara kept her cold attitude, looking down at her with a serious face, despite it all. The girl's eyes glazed over and, staring at [____]'s watery gaze, Kara's face changed for a second. But as soon as her expression softened, was stern again. [____] clenched her fists and turned around, ready to leave. Also, letting Kara see her cry was a low blow to her ego so she rather run away.

The moment [____] leaved Kara's dressing room, the girl started crying, finally allowing herself to vent. She didn't care if Kara was listening or not, the only thing in her mind now, was the breakup.

Kara felt the urge to go after her, rethinking her words, but her feet were anchored, buried in the ground, her pride and anger prevented Kara from moving from her place, so Powergirl watched in silence as [____] left the dressing room, cowardly letting her go. Regretting it all deeply, Kara quickly took a few steps and stopped right in front of the closed door, her hand resting on the knob, hesitating whether to open it or not.

The sound of [____]'s weep was drilling into her head. This was beyond feeling guilty, her chest ached as if it was pulverizing her from the inside. She felt the need to comfort her, even if that's out of line now...

[____] arrived her home, and felt a deep relief and happiness to find the house alone. She didn't want to have to talk about it, and with those thick tears it was sure that her mother would have asked her everything that happened. She knew she should talk about it with someone to vent, but involving any of her mutual friends with Kara seemed like a bad idea, so she called [YourBestFriend].

The moment her bff arrived, both of them sat on the floor of her room.

-That jerk did what!? -In short, you unburdened yourself to your best friend, who listened attentively. There were no problems regarding the identities, he/she already knows them.

-Yeah... I was like "Are you breaking up with me because I'm worried for you, idiot?"

-What a bonehead, I'm sorry you dated someone like that.

-No, I mean, she was really nice... at first... she never yelled at me before... -[____] turned on the TV, and surprise, there she was.

Even with continuing to put on a show as Powergirl, she seemed especially unfocused today. The girl turned the TV off immediately.

-Listen, this week's been terrible for both of us, how about we have some fun tonight? Y'know, to cheer you up!

[____] smiled.

-What do you have in mind? -She asked with a better mood than before and her bff picked her up from the sofa and opened a portal.

-Let's start a riot! -Your bff crossed the portal and both of you had some fun. Yes, he/she also has powers.

So bff took care of keeping you entertained and happy for the whole day, also including the weekend. Over the weekend, you found some text messages and missed calls from Kara. You made the decision to block her number. Once your bff was gone, you stayed home alone and decided to watch television. Bad idea. Kara was there, but what caught your attention was that Powergirl was announcing her retirement.

"Also her hair is awesome." Kara added, and [____] rolled her eyes. At that moment, she just turned off the TV.

-What the hell? -She murmured and wondered what changed Kara's mind, but chose to ignore the whole topic and take her out of her mind instead of paying attention. That kryptonian is not her problem anymore.


Okay, part one ready, I'll be updating part 2 in another thousand years haha💞
Anyways, hope you liked it✨

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