ADS ni Author

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This story is made of fiction. Doesn't related in any person, life, business, religion, happenings, etc of reality. This only involved a fictitious characteristics and everything, will mentioned here are the works of Author imagination.


Please, do not distribute, transmit, publish, copy or recreate the context of this story without the permission of the owner nor the Author in any matters.

Plagiarism is a crime.

Miss AA ;

This was the revision of my draft story in my other account that I deleted, so I will published it here again, in new version; that had a lot of inspiration. This story is also Available on Novelah, Story On and Finovel. Also, this story is originally GxG but I am convinced that I will made this as GxB and BxB.

I, wanted to added apology for not using (*) to any cursing words, if perhaps I forgot to put.

Enjoy reading!

Started : 5•29•22
End : 12•20•23

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