Himiko's New Friend (End)

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    "Really?" Himiko asked, her breathing now steady. 

    "Yeeaahhh," Kokichi replied, stroking her cheek. "I bet it was much more fun being pursued by a stalker. Some people have all the luck," he pretended to pout, then he gave Himiko a playful wink. She blushed and shook her head. They began walking to the conveyor belt that held Kokichi's luggage.

    "That was nowhere near fun," she replied, then lowered her voice. "I almost died...twice!"

    "Lucky!" Kokichi exclaimed, pulling his luggage off the conveyor belt. Himiko's mouth hung agape as she playfully swatted him.

    "Why in the world does that make me lucky?!" she asked incredulously. 

    "Because that's the type of thrilling situation that I like being iiiinnn," Kokichi pouted. "Life's no fun when everything is okay all the time, y'know!"

    "Well...after what I went through, I wouldn't mind it if everything was okay for a little while," Himiko said. Kokichi laughed. 

   "Haha, well, I don't expect you to have the same mindset as me," Kokichi said. "So, for now, let's agree to disagree."

   "That's fine with me," Himiko said. Kokichi chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Himiko and kissed her forehead. They hailed a taxi back home. "Oh, by the way, Kokichi," Himiko paused to reach inside a bag that she was carrying, and pulled out the bag of chips that she had bought. "I got your chips." Kokichi snickered. "Nyeh...what are you snickering at?!"

   "You didn't REALLY have to buy me chips, Himiko!" Kokichi said. "That was just part of the..." he paused as he eyed the cab driver. He thought it was better not to say anything else, just in case. "Haha, never mind. I'll tell you later. You and I can snack on 'em later."


    Over dinner, everyone in Casa V3 were filling Kokichi in on what had happened the past few days. During the entire conversation, Himiko kept holding tight to Kokichi's arm and had laid her head on his shoulder. They had finally caught up to the present.

    "Woooowww, HimiCocoa Bean! You really WERE stuck in the Twilight Zone!" Kokichi said, booping Himiko's nose. 

   "Nyeh...and I don't wanna go back," Himiko responded. Kokichi laughed. 

   "Anyways, it's good that you were able to calm Himiko down, even if there wasn't much you could do about it, Kokichi," Kaito said.

    "Nee-heehee...yeah, no thanks to you losers," Kokichi taunted. "I was halfway across the world and I still managed to help her even if there...'wasn't much I could do about it.'" He shared a secret smile with Himiko. The others gave them strange looks, not knowing what their smiles were all about. 

   "Um...yeeeaaahhhh, anyways, it's good to have you back, Kokichi," Kaede said. 

   "Said no Kaede ever," Kokichi replied, giving her a toothy grin. 

   "On a different note, are you going to tell us what you were doing in New York City?" Maki asked Kokichi. Kokichi gave each and every one of them a sneaky look.

   "Let's just say, Lady Liberty got herself a little makeover," he replied with a devilish grin. Then he burst out into evil laughter. 


   Later that night before bed, Kokichi hung out in Himiko's room for a while to provide her with some company. She sat in bed under her blanket while he sat next to her on top of her blanket.

    "Haha, so, were you scared when you were walking home from Sunakku?" Kokichi asked her, holding her hand and stroking the back of it with his thumb.

   "I was a little nervous," Himiko admitted. "Because I didn't know exactly what your plan was. I did get really scared, though, when Guki...er, Nori, I guess, was about to stab me. But when...you-know-who came to help, I felt instant relief." She sighed blissfully as she leaned in towards Kokichi. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close. "I'm so glad you came through for me, Kokichi." 

   "Well, duh!" Kokichi said. "I'm not gonna let you die! I mean, who else is gonna pull pranks with me and give me suh-weet, suh-weet kissies? Mwahmwahmwahmwahmwah!" He playfully kissed Himiko all over her face. Himiko giggled and swatted him.

   "Eww, you're getting your slobber all over me!" she said.

   "But you like my slobber," Kokichi teased, then kissed her some more, causing Himiko to laugh and blush. She laughed harder than she ever had in her whole life. Finally, he stopped, then he gently pulled her face towards his to give her a real kiss. Himiko swooned, then giggled. "Well...guess I'd better let you get to sleep, Stinky Butt," he said, ruffling her hair. "G'night, babe-ity babe-babe!" Himiko giggled. 

   "Goodnight, Kokichi," she said. Kokichi blew her a kiss before turning out the light and closing Himiko and Tenko's bedroom door. Himiko immediately fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.


    Halfway across the world in New York City, many were marveling at the Statue of Liberty's new face which was painted white with red lipstick, blush, and goofy eyes, all made to look like the face of a clown.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 1 (A New Oumeno)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat