"Henderson, that super walkie talkie of yours better reach Pennhurst," He growls as he steps over to the drivers door of the car and jabs the key in, unlocking the expensive hunk of metal. Eddie runs his hand over the car in excitement, it was a lot better than his van, he personally was a large fan of cars, but his and his uncles income didn't exactly allow them to feed into that interest.

"Sweet ride," Eddie muttered out softly before pulling his hand off the side of the car and then gripping the handle, pulling the passenger door open for Adira and then steping to the side, "sweetheart," he said with a wide grin, reaching his arm out in a gentleman like fashion

Adira's cheeks ached slightly as a wide grin suddenly pulled onto her face, she did a small curtsey before pulling herself into the car, "why thank you good sir," she said with a wide grin. As she pulled herself past Eddie, she brushed against him slightly, making Eddie's eyes go wide, she sent him a small wink. She liked the boy, and it was more than likely her last day so why not make the most of it and spend time with him.

She liked him when they were younger but it was only a small crush and didn't last long, but he had managed to catch her interest again over the last few months. Just the simple things that he did. The way he didn't care about what people thought about him, the way he could stand up to the jocks and everyone else in the school. They way that he had taken Mike, Dustin and Lucas under his wing.

And overall he was genuinely a really funny and sweet guy, the two of them had, had occasionally conversations here and there, with him starting pretty much all of them. He always managed to put a smile on her face.

Eddie tried to ignore the butterflies shooting around in his chest and shut the door behind her before he did a small little happy dance, unaware of the fact that Adira was watching him through the side mirror.

A smile made its way onto her face, biting her lip softly she couldn't help but giggle at him. She watched the way his messy curls danced around his perfect face as he jumped up and down. There was a light in his brown eyes that she was sure could light up all of Hawkins.

She hesitated for a small moment before she wound the window down with a smirk on her face and stuck her head out the door, turning to look at him, "cute dance Munson, maybe you could teach me some of those moves some time."

Eddie stopped immediately, looking at her with wide eyes, his cheeks went a deep shade of red as she grinned over at him, "I uh, well- shit," he choked out, stuttering cutely as he tried to figure out what to say to her, he had been caught and was now frozen still like a deer in headlights.

"You're so cute when you're blushing and stuttering," Adira replied with a cheeky grin. He opened his mouth to reply to her but no words were coming out, for the first time in forever, Eddie Muson was completely speechless.

It was Eddie who occasionally sent her flirty remarks when they passed each other in the halls or when Adira took the boys to their Hellfire meetings at night to make sure that they got there safely before riding back to her house on her bike and waiting for their phonecalls later in the night when they tell her that they had gotten home safetly.

"Stop flirting and get in the god damn car!" Steve growled out to the boy. Eddie nodded his head quickly and then climbed into the car and pulled the door shut behind him quickly, squishing himself between Dustin Henderson and the door of Steve's BMW, his cheeks still beet red, "don't even think about it buddy, shes off limits and I will not hesitate to drive you down to the police station or drop you off on the side of the rode."

"Stop being so dramatic Stevie, we were just joking around," Adira said in amusement as she reached across and pinched her brother's cheek. The truth was, she was freaking out and shitting herself, the only way she could try and stay calm and not break down into tears was by humourising the situations that they were in and trying to keep up her positive and happy attitude.

Dustin was smirking over at Eddie and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "I knew you liked her, it took you long enough I mean, you're literally always staring at her and making googly eyes," Dustin muttered to him with a smirk. Eddie turned to look at Dustin and gave him a small glare before gently smacking him up the back of the head

"I have no idea what you are talking about Henderson," Eddie whispered back to him and then turned his head to look out the window.

"Sure thing Eddie, though your drawing book and lyrics book both beg to differ," Dustin whispered to him with a cheeky grin. Eddie turned and glared at the boy again, Dustin finally got the hint and shut his mouth, trying hard not to giggle.

Steve stuck the keys in the ignition and turned on the car, "Alright Maxine, do you plan on telling me where we are going now that I am driving you?" Steve asked the red-haired girl with a sigh, bringing his hand up to his head to rub his face in frustration and worry

"Yeah, the Hawkins cemetery," Maxine replied. Adira's smirk left her lips and her heart dropped into the bottom of her chest. She knew why Max wanted to go there, it was where Billy was buried, it would only make sense for her to want to talk to her brother one last time before she possibly died.

Adira sunk into her seat and grabbed her walkman out of the glove department before putting in her headphones and rewinding the tape that was already in there and then pressing play. 'Love Buzz' by Nirvana was the first song to come on. She closed her eyes softly and leaned her head against the side of the window, she opened her eyes slightly and peered down at the walkman in her hand. 

The label of the tape was showing through the front glass of the walkman, the words, 'For my sweetheart - B' was scribbled on the front in capital letters. A shakey sigh fell from her lips as she closed her eyes once more and waited patiently for the car to stop.

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