Wtf is MBTI??

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The Myers-Briggs Personality Types (MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a psychological indicator based on how people see the world and make decisions.

There are 16 personality types that are each represented by four different letters. These letters are:

E: Extroverted (focuses on other people)
I: Introverted (focuses on themselves)
Representing how someone reacts to the world.

S: Sensing (prefers to use the five senses)
N: Intuition (prefers to use abstract ideas)
Representing how someone processes information.

T: Thinking (thinks with facts and logic)
F: Feeling (thinks with emotions and values)
Representing how someone most often makes decisions.

J: Judging (prefers organization and planning)
P: Perceiving (prefers going with the flow and experimenting)
Representing how someone approaches work/life.

Obviously, we use all of these in our lives at some point, but these are based on the type that we gravitate towards in a desperate or important situation.

Each personality type can only have four of these letters in their name, one in each category mentioned above. There is no such thing as an Ambivert type or a mixed type.

An example of a personality type is ESTJ (Extrovert Sensing Thinking Judging).

Unless you are a beginner, You CANNOT say you are two or more types (like XNFP or INFX).

Let's go a little deeper.

Each personality has a list of cognitive functions. This is also known as a function stack.

Cognitive functions basically take the two letters in the middle of a personality and split them into two: extroverted and introverted.

Here is a list of these functions along with descriptions because I'm not evil. Well, that's debatable.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Focuses on the present moment by using the senses. Good at noticing quick movement and reacting in the moment. Enjoys action and hands-on work.

Introverted Sensing (Si): Trusts what they know from their experiences and focuses on the past. They enjoy familiarity and don't like to rebel from rules or traditions. Known to be reliable and have good attention to detail.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Likes to explore every option and possibility. Good at making connections to ideas and possibilities. Doesn't look to have many certain opinions. Thinks in the future.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Creates core beliefs based on experiences and lives based on those ideas. Good at telling the difference between what will last forever and what will fade away over time. Good with knowledge and are trustworthy.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Enjoys structure and proven logic. Focuses more on systems that make sense than emotions that blend together and make a mess. Likes managing situations and are notorious for being straight to the point.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Prefers to learn as they go, and thrive when doing this alone. Great at figuring things out and coming up with their own form of logic, which is why many philosophers have Ti as one of their top functions.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): The most emotionally expressive function. Great at understanding social ques and norms. Often knows how other people are feeling and are great at mirroring them. Feels better when they see everyone get along and have fun.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Moves through life based on their own feelings and beliefs. Good at expressing their emotions indirectly (such as creatively or actively). Appreciates life organically and has their own personal values that often revolve around it. Will do what's right to them no matter the cost.

Each personality type has all eight of these functions, but they are all stacked in different ways that make each type unique. Most sources shorten this eight stack to the top four functions.

Dominant (the defining characteristic)
Auxiliary (works with the dominant function)
Tertiary (what skill the type avoids/gets uncomfortable by)
Inferior (the function they use the least)

Each function works in opposites, meaning that you can't have Ti and Te or Ni and Ne in the same personality type. It must be Fe/Ti, Si/Ne, Se/Ni, or Fi/Te.

Each personality type also has a perceiving (Intuition or Sensing) and a judging (Thinking or Feeling) function that they prefer.

That's all I have to say for now. Peace ✌️

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