"Hey Storm." Darry said, smiling at him. I wondered how he would feel about Storm after the news was out.

"Well, sit down Gabry, I didn't know you were bringing a friend over." My mother said glaring in Storm's direction.

Oh great, she knows that I'm pregnant.... Better tell her now. 

I sat down and pulled Storm down next to me. Our fate was now coming true....

"So tell me Gabry? How did this happen?" Mom asked.

I was startled at how open she was about it."Well, I guess one night I wasn't-"

"One night you weren't thinking and that's how it happened, huh?" She shook her head sadly. "I came up with the same excuse for my parents. I was too tired and didn't study. I always told you to be prepared Gabriel."

Wait, she didn't know? What was she talking about then?

"Tell us the truth, Gabry. Why did you fail that Chemistry test? Why would you ruin your perfect GPA?" Mom and Dad looked up at me with the biggest expression of disappointment on their faces. Darry rolled his eyes and Dallas just laughed.

"Um.... that's the least of my worries right now, but if you really want to know, I just didn't try and study. I wasn't into the test that time around. Besides, Mr. Sanders isn't very good at telling us what to study."

"Hm." Was all Mom had to say. I could tell she was still upset because I usually took my grades very seriously. I honestly didn't care at the moment though. I needed my family's support right now. I couldn't handle this without them, but if they didn't want to support me I had to know now, so I could make other plans.

I took a deep breath and looked around the dinner table. Someone had made Storm a plate of food, I was supposed to make my own. I shifted in my seat, I wasn't very hungry, but I should probably eat for the baby. I put a reasonable amount of food on my plate. I felt too sick to eat anything, so I just stared at it. Until Storm jabbed me in the side, gently of course. I glanced up at him before picking up my fork and eating the macaroni and cheese.

 The silence at the table was weird since we always had a conversation going. Usually. I looked over to Storm with an expression that was asking if we should tell my family. He nodded.

"So, um, Mom. Dad. I - we have something to tell you."

All four of them looked up and stared at us. "What's up?" Dad asked.

"Well, this is kind of... a few weeks ago.... Storm and I.... I'm pregnant." I just let the words flow out of my mouth before I could stop myself from saying it.

I thought I heard a fork clatter. Mom sat up straighter with a horrified look on her face. Dad was staring at me, hunched over his plate, he was in the middle of taking a bite. Darry was staring at us with a shocked look and Dallas looked uncomfortable and wiped his mouth on a napkin. Storm pulled me closer to him as it sunk in.

"We didn't mean for it to happen... or think that this could happen to us. We used protection and thought it was enough!" I rambled on, making no sense.

"Gabriel Noel, silence!" Dad said. "Is this true? Are you really pregnant?"

I nodded.

"So after all of our warnings, after everything we told you not to do, you totally disobeyed us? You disrespected us?" Mom asked, getting angry.

"Mom! I thought you would help me-" Dad interrupted me.

"This is a situation of an adult! You wanted to act like an adult? Well, you can act like one now. Adults figure out how to do stuff on their own! I don't know what has gotten into you lately, Gabriel, but you shouldn't have been acting stupid."

"So what do you want me to do then, Dad? Get an abortion? I'm not giving up my child for your reputations. I couldn't care less if you were the President of the United States of America! Or the Universe! You should help your daughter when she needs help!"

Storm was keeping me sitting now. I was about ready to flip the table, I was so mad. My brothers were staring at me with even more shocked expressions at my outburst.

When Mom spoke again, she had a deathly calm tone in her voice. "You don't talk to your parents like that. Not only have you now gotten yourself knocked, but you also disrespected your parents even more. So you know what? You're grounded. Go to your room."

Well, how was it? Was it worth the wait? I promise to write more on the next chapter. Comment, vote, and add for me to update faster!!! I want at least 20 reviews before I update. I know it can happen!! Thanks and I hope you will stick with the story all the way to the end! [: ~ Sairahiniel

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