Chapter 5

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At her question, Martin realised his mistake.

"Uh, well,"

"Don't lie to me." she snapped making him sigh.

"Yes," he admitted grudgingly. "she came back recently and I decided to give her another chance."

"'Another chance'?" repeated his mother unimpressed. "Do you not remember how she hurt your son and you!?" she scolded. "Such a woman shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the both of you again!"

"Mom!" he replied outraged. "Just because she made a mistake once doesn't mean she doesn't deserve another chance! Everyone handles things differently!"

"Maybe so, but everyone else managed to move on, what's her excuse for running away the way she did after everything she did to both of you?" she huffed.

"Mom, it wasn't so bad, she did what she could to heal." he insisted.

"I don't care, I don't get why you would allow such a woman near Adam again when you have Gabby."

Martin breathed out to calm himself. "Mom, Gabby and I were never anything serious, she was merely helping out," he said sternly.

His mother huffed. "Well, she's better than that woman could ever be!" she insisted.

Martin breathed in. "Mom, I get that you're mad, but I will not deny Natalie the chance to be a mother to her own son and that's final."

His mother huffed unsatisfied. "Fine, but if she hurts you or Adam again, she better never show her face anywhere near here again!" she threatened before hanging up.

Sighing, Martin took a moment to recover.

You idiot! That could have gone better if you had kept your trap shut!

Kicking himself, he turned his attention back to his work and called Natalie.

"Hello?" she answered sounding tired in every sense of the word.

Frowning, Martin instantly began to fret.

"Natalie? Is everything okay?" he panicked.

"Fine, rough night. What is it?" she asked brushing it off which didn't convince him, but moving on.

"Oh, right, well I have a new client I can't deal with just yet, so I was wondering if you would be willing to take the job instead?"

Natalie said nothing at first making him nervous. "Alright, send me the info and I'll get back to him on Monday." she eventually said relieving him.

"Okay, thanks, I won't bother you much longer," he replied hanging up.

The weekend came with the sun, a clear, blue sky and excitement situating Adam and Martin in the kitchen making fish and chips.

"Dad, when will mom get here?" asked Adam swinging his legs from where he was sitting on the countertop.

"Soon buddy," he said before the doorbell went off.

Looking back, Martin frowned. He kind of expected her to just let herself in, but then again, she had been very uncomfortable even passing the gate as if she didn't belong, which infuriated him and saddened him all at once.

"Stay here and don't touch anything, okay?" he ordered only leaving to check who it was when Adam nodded.

"Yes?" he answered after clicking the intercom.

"Martin." rang out a familiar voice.

Martin stepped back in surprise. "Mom?"

"And your dad," she replied. Martin's head dropped exasperated. "we thought we'd come over and hang out with both of you since it's been a while, we can even catch up with Natalie if she comes." she said cheerily emphasizing on the 'if'.

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