C8 Stories..

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No motivation... So it'll take long til the next chapter comes lmao. oh its also short because im forced to sleep.

The twins woke up and bought the same lemonade. Yet they had nothing to do but play chess and go to the playground. Pawn Black wanted to stay and take care of the cat, but Pawn White wanted to go to the playground and find friends. The twins argued for a while but the cat meowed and stopped the arguement.
Cat: "Meow!"
PB: "I want to-"
PW: ".."
PB: "And this is what I was talking about. We can't leave Queen alone.. She's just a little kitty.."
PW: "Fine, I guess you have a point. But what do we even do??"
Pawn Black looked at Pawn White while feeding 'Queen' , Their cat. Pawn White immediately knew and thought of the best story they could EVER think of. And Pawn White remembered, THEY REMEMBERED THAT THEY NEVER EVER KNEW A STORY.
Pawn Black wanted to tell them the story of what happened before.
"When Pawn White was asleep and every cookie was asleep theres something that happened. Some cookie tried, to kidnap me. Luckily.. I had to punch them. But I've never seen someone.. Some cookie wanting to kidnap only me. The cookie looked.. angry.. it looked like it wanted to purposely kidnap me."
Pawn White was supprised, and then a bit scared.. They did explain one when Pawn Black was sleeping too though.
"Oh.. Well.. When you were asleep.. some cookie wanted to spar with me.. On chess. I remember it was like: 4 AM. Yes, I did win but the last words they said before vanishing were, 'You are the best at chess. We shall meet again.' Then they vanished. I don't know what happened."
Pawn Black was speechless.. They have expirienced meeting weird cookies in any way.
They decided to forget about it and play chess all day.
Night comes and they both fall asleep..

End of chapter 8.

im being forced to sleep. im utterly stressed.
send help
Good Evening/Day/Afternoon/Noon to you.
And Good Night to me.
356 Words.

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