C2 Theme Park.

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You all know that the twins got kicked out and you know, blah blah blah. But they had no choice but to search for a home and food.
They had to walk around every day to find one piece of food from the garbage can, or from cookies. They starved the whole day since they couldn't find any food. They found a shelter but they were rejected. They were "too young." and "No parents."
This made them tired, and had to keep living in the streets. While both of them were finding food, Pawn White asked Pawn Black,
"Twin, when can we ever find a home? Or some friends! I don't think we'll survive in the cold neighborhood.."
Pawn Black replied,
"I do not know, I cannot predict any more futures. We will have to find it ourselves."
Pawn White lost hope but Pawn Black still had some.
They passed by a bunch of young cookies in a playground who suddenly noticed them and yelled out loud,
Pawn White gained hope and looked at them,
"Yea! Used to.. We don't live in the arena anymore.."
Pawn Black was unsure whether they're teasing them or not.
"Yes, what do you need?"
The young cookie responded,
"Oh yea, I'm Apple Cookie! And I can get you both somewhere to have fun for a while!"
Pawn White immediately agreed to Apple Cookie's offer. But Pawn Black was unsure again, they accepted it because Pawn White did. Apple Cookie excitedly told them to follow her, and so thats what the twins did, follow her. Apple Cookie leads them to a theme park named "Dreamy Cookieland." Pawn White went excited when they saw the theme park.
Apple Cookie let them in and they found a.. unicorn? No! A cookie! The cookie welcomed Apple Cookie And the twins,
"Hello! Welcome back Apple Cookie. I see you have new friends? I must introduce myself, I am Cream Unicorn Cookie. And you both must be?"
Pawn Black immediately responded,
"The Chess Choco twins, If we are together.. But I am Pawn Black, And this is Pawn White. Together we are the Chess Choco Twins."
Cream Unicorn Cookie was supprised to see two cookies who looked similar to each other, "I see.. Well, Let's have a tour of the theme park shall we?"
Pawn White was excited and followed Cream Unicorn Cookie, As for Pawn Black, they also followed.
They all passed by the "Firecracker Cookie's Space Shooter" ride. They found a sign saying "WARNING: Extremely fast!"
Cream Unicorn Explained what the ride is about,
"This is a dangerous ride, You have to ride a missle and dodge other missles."
The twins were a bit scared, but Cream Unicorn Cookie told them that the ride is not for kids, and so they kept walking around and then they passed by the "Pudding Cookie's Amazing Rhythm Star" game. Cream Unicorn Cookie explained what it's about, "This is like a rhythm game, you have to stay in the rhythm or you lose."
The twins were excited to play it but Cream Unicorn Cookie said that they can play after the tour. They passed by the next game called, "Muscle Cookie's Magic Dumbbell Party" Cream Unicorn Cookie awkwardly explained that the dumbells and kettlebells on the game are extremely heavy.
Cream Unicorn Cookie and Apple Cookie rested as the twins played around the theme park.
Pawn White happily said to Pawn Black,
"Pawn Black, I've never expirienced this much fun ever since! I'm glad we made friends!"
Pawn Black looked supprised and responded,
"Me too. Pawn White,"
Apple Cookie went to them and pointed to the sky, "It's becoming night! This is what I always loved!"
The twins were confused at first, but Cream Unicorn Cookie revealed 3 more fun activities only accesable at night time.
They all went to the first one, "Pancake Cookie's Infinite Flyer" But it also had a sign,
"WARNING: Extremely fast!" Cream Unicorn Cookie explained that you'll have to fly around, but its mostly too fast.
The next activity was "Chestnut Cookie's Bumper Car Bash" And it also had the warning. Cream Unicorn Cookie just said its a normal bumber car ride but you can go faster. The last one was "Adventurer Cookie's Guardian Golem Adventure" Where you had to reach ropes and not fall.
The tour ended and after hours of playing, they were all tired. Apple Cookie left to go home but, the twins had no home.. So Cream Unicorn Cookie let them stay in the theme park until the next day.

The End of Chapter 2.
I never actually been through the dreamy cookieland event on ovenbreak, i joined when the save the future thing started with string gummy.
So save me, my writing is very very cringe.
Thank you for reading and have a great day/night.
814 Words.

"𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘫𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺.." / Cookie Run !Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ