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*10 years later*


It's been ten years since I hatched out of my egg.

My mom, Rain, has been training me since I was little.

So after a while I became fully trained with just about everything.

There was this one time a toddler came into the padlock with me inside. Mom didn't know anything about that.

But when she saw a toddler inside the padlock with me, mom became so scared that I was going to hurt or eat the toddler, but I didn't.

The toddler was on my tail, so I lifted my tail up just a little bit so the toddler wouldn't full off.

So my mom came into the padlock and got the toddler from my tail. And she took the toddler to find his parents.

Let's just say the parents got in an ear full from my mom.

I am a raptor, but I am a hybrid, I have raptor DNA, and I have human DNA.

When mom was in the padlock with me, I kinda turned into a human male.

Mom freaked out like crazy and the scientists didn't tell that I have human DNA.

So yeah, mom told me what happened to back then with her stupid boyfriend.

I mean, come on, the guys name is Willy wonka.

I told mom that joke, and we started laughing like crazy.

So anyways, me and mom we do shows for the people who visit my padlock.

Like right now, we are doing it, but today, I am in a really bad mood.

Don't know why, but I am. It feels like I am missing something or someone.

Rain:"Well, good morning, everyone. Before we begin the show, you guys let me just say, "Don't let your kids go in Anakin's padlock today." Because Anakin isn't in a good mood today." Mom told everyone that is here.

I am not in the mood to do anything right now.

Mom is beginning the show, and just like always, stuff happens.

But today, I am just lying down in my nest. I've built my nest for someone who wants to mate with me.

Rain:"Ok, now let's see if Anakin is hungry." Mom said I haven't been eating that much in about a week or something like that.

Just then, mom was holding my favorite treat, a big fat dead mouse.

I feel myself drooling at the mouse because right now, I am going to do a trick for that juicy mouse.

I got out of my nest and walked to where mom is at with the mouse.

Rain:"Ok, Anakin is up and walking around. Remember, guys, don't let your children in the padlock today, ok?" Mom said, and I started doing my tracks like I always do.

Sometimes, I just wonder if I have someone to love me and I would love them right back.

It's mating season for the raptors, that is why I am in a bad mood because I don't have anyone to mate with me.

When the show got done, I went back to my nest to lay down and sleep.

???:"Zach, I don't think this is a good idea. Rain said that Anakin is in a bad mood today." I hear a little kid said to I am guessing his brother or something.

Zach:"Come on, Gray, what kind of raptor doesn't kill anyone who enters their padlock?" Zach said to Gray, and he is right. I don't kill anyone unless they try to kill me, then I would kill them.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, I felt someone's hands on my nose.

So I woke up and two kids standing in fort of me, one a teenager and the other a kid.

Gray:"Um, Zach, Anakin opened his eyes up and looked at us." Gray said, and Zach looked at me and saw my eyes opened.

I hate it when someone wakes me up and evening on mating season.

Zach and Gray back up from me, and their eyes are wide and about to pop out.

I got up and kept on looking at them, daring one of them to move or do something else.

I am very pissed off right now. These two should have listened to mom and not go in my padlock.

But no, these two kids didn't listen to anything.

Gray:"I told you, Zach, we shouldn't come in here. And now we are going to be eating alive." Gray said, ok, so Gray listened but not his big brother.

As the two brothers were talking and not looking at me. I decided to give them a scary of a lifetime.

I walked up to them and growled like crazy but I'm not going to eat them or anything like that. Just scare them because for 1, Rain said not to come in my padlock because today is mating season for the raptors, and male raptors get a little bit angry.

Gray:"Nice work, Zach Anakin is going to eat us, and mom and dad are going to be upset with Auntie Claire." Gray said, all scared like, and I love scaring people because it's fun to scare someone out of their skin.

Rain:"Anakin, come here right now, young man, you're in trouble scaring these poor kids." I heard my mom says so. I walked over to her, and I did the puppy dog face so I could get out of trouble.

Rain:"No, Anakin, no puppy dog face. It's not going to work with me this time now that is done. I would like to know something. How did you two boys get inside Anakin's padlock because I am the only one with a key to this padlock." I lay down getting comfortable with what is going on because this is going to be funny for me, and I know that my mom is going to go off on someone.

But then I remembered something Gray said something about an aunt Claire, but the only Claire that I know works here in the jurassic World.

Zach:"Our aunt Claire gave us this pass to jump the line ma'am, and plus, I kinda dragged my brother here to see this raptor that doesn't kill." I yawned because this was boring, and I am not laying down to be bored all today because I should really be going on to see the baby raptors because you know.

Rain:"You know what? I'm going to have a little talk with Claire because right now, you would've gotten hurt or, worse, killed because it's mating season for the raptors, and right now you two are lucky that I stopped Anakin from hurting you both." Mama Rain walked out of my padlock, not before telling me that I should keep an eye on the brothers.

What am I a babysitter for humans? No, I'm not going to watch over these boys because they wanted to be around me.

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking around to see what I could be doing.

Oh, I know I could visit the baby raptors that are in the petting zoo right now.

Because I'm like a dad to the baby raptors, and I see the baby raptors as my children, and you know.

I would visit the baby raptors, and they would have imprinted on me because I'm the only male raptor.

Zach:"This sucks because not only we are in trouble, a man-eating dinosaur is babysitting us." I rolled my eyes because this human is complaining like crazy.

Hey, I'm not happy all about watching you, kid, but you don't hear me complaining all the time.

The brothers looked around my padlock to see what I had in here, but I just made my nest for my mate.

Hopefully, my mate would love the nest I've made for me and her and our future eggs.

Because I want to give my mate as many eggs that she wants and you know.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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