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Hi, my name is Rain Wilson, I got a job at this new place, which is called Jurassic World.

I am going to be working with real-life dinosaurs.

I love any kind of dinosaurs, but my most favorite is the velociraptor.

The velocirators are like a family, and they hunt together.

I really just hope that I will work with a raptor.

So I live with my boyfriend and he doesn't think that I shouldn't go or do anything.

He is one of those guys who thinks that a girl couldn't know anything about male stuff.

But I know how to fish,fix a car, go hunting, and I know everything about the dinosaurs.

Manly the velocirators, my boyfriend Willy. He doesn't know anything but sits on his ass all day and not even when helping out.

I am so done with him, so right now I am packing all of my clothes and my personnel stuff.

Let's just say that I won't be coming back, Willy can keep the other stuff in the apartment.

My parents told me to break up with Willy a while back. And I didn't listen, I should have listened to them.

As I was getting everything ready, I started thinking maybe I would find some new friends.

All of my old friends left got married and had some kids.

But not me, I am not married and I don't have any kids.

It's not that I can't have kids. It's just that Willy doesn't want any children.

That's the mean reason why I don't want to be around him.

I always told my friends and family that if I ever son, I want his name to be Anakin.

Like Star War's Anakin Skywalker. I fell in love with Anakin Skywalker, even when he turned into death vader.
*5 months time skip*

It's been five months, and everything is going well.

I've broken up with Willy, and let's just say he didn't take it well.

No, he didn't cry, but he hit me, and he broke my ribs, I couldn't move around for 8 weeks.

So right now, I am getting everything ready because the scientists said that I am going to train a baby raptor.

I couldn't wait for the baby raptor no more.

So, I started heading to the lab before the egg hatched. I always wanted to see a velocirator coming out of their egg.

Let's just hope nothing bad happens to the baby raptor.

As I got to the lab, I couldn't help myself and took off running towards the eggs.

I am going to be there for the raptor, and I know that the baby raptor will look at me like a mother.

I stopped running, and I looked around and found one lonely egg.

It doesn't make any sense why there is only one egg.

Henry wu:"Ah, Rain my dear. You finally showed up to see the very new raptor." The voice said, I looked behind me and saw Doctor Henry wu.

I was so forced on the egg that I heard what he said.

Rain:"Henry, why is the egg all alone for? Raptors have more than one egg." This confused me because there has to be a reason why.

Henry wu:"Well, Rain, the other egg didn't make it, and the raptor that was in the egg died." As Henry said that I wanted to cry. Because I lost a baby raptor that was supposed to meet her sister.

I was about to cry when I heard a hatching sound.

So I looked at the egg, and a tiny little hand came out, so I went up to the egg and helped the baby raptor out.

The raptor finally came out of its egg, and I was fine like a mother right now.

The baby raptor is white, and it has little black spots on it.

It looks like a spotted dog, and it was so cute.

Henry wu:"Rain meets the very first male raptor." Henry told me, I am shocked that they made a male dinosaur.

I didn't take my eyes off the baby raptor, and I only had one name on my mind.

Rain:"Welcome to the real Anakin." I picked up Anakin and held him like a baby.

Anakin looked at me and smelled me, he knows that I was his new mommy.

Rain:"Don't worry, Anakin, I am never going to let anyone hurt you. I promise you, my beautiful boy." I've said to Anakin.

Anakin is my baby boy now. If anything happens to Anakin, I don't know what I would do without Anakin.

All I know is that I will be there for my baby boy, and I know Anakin would protect me, and I would protect Anakin.

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